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[SOLVED][Request] add text from url link to mysqldatabase

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[SOLVED][Request] add text from url link to mysqldatabase

Post by Fire-Fox »


I looking for a script that can do the following :

When a user types !addinfo (were the info is stored) the script should then, download the text file to /home/information. should be the saved name of the filename to...
Last edited by Fire-Fox on Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fire-Fox | Denmark

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Post by caesar »

Haven't tested this.

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bind pub - !addinfo pub:addinfo

proc pub:addinfo {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	if {[scan $text {%s%s} file url] != 2} {
		puthelp "Usage: !addinfo <file> <url>"
	set token [::http::geturl $url]
	set content [::http::data $token]
	::http::cleanup $content
	set fp [open "/home/$file" "w"]
	foreach line [split $content \n] {
		puts $fp [join $line "\n"]
	close $fp
Edit: fixed typo.
Last edited by caesar on Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fire-Fox »

I'll try it right away, and post the output

i get this :

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[wrong # args: should be "bind type flags cmd/mask ?procname?"]
EDIT: fixed by doing :

Code: Select all

bind pubm - "*!addinfo*" pub:addinfo 

Code: Select all

Tcl error [pub:addinfo]: could't open socket: host is unreachable (Name or service not known)
i can download from the url... but not the bot
Last edited by Fire-Fox on Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fire-Fox | Denmark

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Post by speechles »

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bind pub - !addinfo pub:addinfo 
Fix it like that instead, the pubm bind passes text very differently. Differently as in, the trigger is included at the front of your text. Literally everything you type is passed to the procedure. The variable $::lastbind contains your pubm mask. This means your filenames or the url it attempts to fetch will contain "!addinfo" in them.

Using pub, $::lastbind will contain the trigger, and the rest of the text is passed to the procedure. This eliminates the trigger from the text passed and your filenames/urls come out correct now.
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Post by Fire-Fox »

Thanks speechles :)

All sortet out! \o/

There is just one thing, the text is placed on new line all the line, how can i put it it should be a copy of the original file, to the file i store.

There will proberly come some acsii aswell how do i handle that...
Fire-Fox | Denmark

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Post by caesar »

Then drop the:

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   foreach line [split $content \n] {
      puts $fp [join $line "\n"]
and make it:

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puts $fp $content
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Post by Fire-Fox »

All done!

working as it should

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package require TclCurl
bind pub - !addinfo pub:addinfo

proc pub:addinfo {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
   if {[scan $text {%s%s%s} release url filename] != 3} {
      puthelp "Usage: !addinfo <release> <url> <filename>" 

   exec mkdir "/home/bot/1/filesys/info/$release"
   set curlHandle [curl::init]
  $curlHandle configure -url $url -file "/home/bot/1/filesys/info/$release/$filename"
  $curlHandle perform
putlog "Reciever StoreiNfo.tcl - Loaded By Fire-Fox"

now it stores the release to database (it has a "Timer for the mysql connection" aswell)

Code: Select all

### Mysql path ###

load /usr/lib/tcltk/mysqltcl-3.05/

# define database parameters
set mysql_(user) "USERNAME"
set mysql_(password) "PASSWORD"
set mysql_(host) "localhost"
set mysql_(database) "bots"
set mysql_(table) "TABLE"

if {![info exists mysql_(handle)]} {
set mysql_(handle) [mysqlconnect -host $mysql_(host) -user $mysql_(user) -password $mysql_(password) -db $mysql_(database)]

package require TclCurl
bind pub - !addinfo pub:addinfo

proc pub:addnfo {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
global mysql_
   if {[scan $text {%s%s%s} rlsname url filename] != 3} {
      puthelp "Usage: !addinfo <release> <url> <filename>" 

   exec mkdir "/home/bot/1/filesys/nfo/$release"
   set curlHandle [curl::init]
  $curlHandle configure -url $url -file "/home/bot/1/filesys/info/$rlsname/$filename"
  $curlHandle perform
set infofp [open "/home/bot/1/filesys/info/$release/$filename" "r"]
set rawinfo [read $infofp]
close $infofp
putlog "$rawinfo"
set escapedinfo [mysql::escape $mysql_(handle) $rawinfo]
  set nix [mysqlexec $mysql_(handle) "INSERT INTO $mysql_(table) (release,filename,rawinfo) VALUES ( '$release' , '$filename' , '$escapednfo' )"]

putlog "Reciever StoreNfoToDB.tcl - Loaded By Fire-Fox"

### Timer for the mysql connection ###
if {[timerexists nfo:dbconnection] !=""} { killtimer $dbconnect(dbtimer) }

set dbconnect(dbtimer) [timer 1 info:dbconnection]

proc info:dbconnection {} {
	global mysql_ dbconnect
	if {[catch  {mysqlping $mysql_(handle)}] != 0} { 
         set mysql_(handle) [mysqlconnect -host $mysql_(host) -user $mysql_(user) -password $mysql_(password) -db $mysql_(database)]
	if {[set var [timerexists info:dbconnection]] !="" } { killtimer $var }
	set dbconnect(dbtimer) [timer 1 info:dbconnection]
putlog "Reciever StoreiNfo.tcl - Loaded By Fire-Fox" 
Fire-Fox | Denmark

Scripts: Relay | Store Text | TvMaze
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