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deop/devoice on idle

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Posts: 94
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Location: Egypt

Post by Amr »

here is the output;

Code: Select all

.tcl idlemode::idleTime
with no reaction on the channel from the bot.
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

If there had been an op/voice idle more than the time you've set then it would do the deop or deop and devoice if it's the case.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Posts: 94
Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:13 am
Location: Egypt

Post by Amr »

It's deoping now after the command , but it's deopping the exempt users.
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:38 am

my tcl

Post by sapo »

try this tcl, it works fine for me:

Code: Select all

##                                              ##
##             I d l E   T o o l Z              ##
##                                              ##
####  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ####
##                                              ##
##     This script has a objective to take of   ##
##   op/voice to persons with superior idle     ##
##   value pre-defined. When the ppl lose the   ##
##   idle the script give it back the taken     ##
##   mode. This script it's configurated by     ##
##   console.                                   ##
##                                              ##
####  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ####
##                                              ##
##                  e-mail: ##
##                  irc: MafiaZ @ ##

###################  Settings  ###################

# Sets auto/off (1/0) check idle
set itz_timer_on_off "1"

# Interval between verifications of idle, in minutes
set itz_between_checkz "3"

# Maximum idle that a op/voice can have, in minutes
set itz_max_idle "30"

# Channels to look idle; leave "ALL" to look for in all
set itz_check_channels "#Palmela"

# It does not verify bots (1 not verify; 0 verify)
set itz_not_check_botz "0"

# List of nicks that they are not verified
set itz_exclude_nicks "Info Palmeloa Abafado"

################  End of Settings  ###############

########### Do NOT edit anything HERE! ###########

set itz_list_of_voicez {}
set itz_list_of_opz {}

proc itz_lista {hand idx args} {
	global itz_list_of_opz itz_list_of_voicez

	putcmdlog "#$hand# idlelist of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "¬Ops:¬"
	foreach n $itz_list_of_opz {
		set nk [lindex $n [expr 0]]		
		set ch [lindex $n [expr 1]]		
		putdcc $idx ">>  $nk  ($ch)"
	putdcc $idx "¬Voices:¬"
	foreach n $itz_list_of_voicez {
		set nk [lindex $n [expr 0]]		
		set ch [lindex $n [expr 1]]		
		putdcc $idx ">>  $nk  ($ch)"

proc itz_set_ii {hand idx args} {
	global itz_between_checkz
	set itz_between_checkz $args

	putcmdlog "#$hand# setinterval of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "Time between idle checks is set to:  $args "

proc itz_set_is {hand idx args} {
	global itz_timer_on_off
	set itz_timer_on_off $args

	putcmdlog "#$hand# setidlestatus of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	if {$itz_timer_on_off == 1} {
		putdcc $idx "Check idle status:  AUTO "

	} else {
		putdcc $idx "Check idle status:  OFF "

proc itz_set_mi {hand idx args} {
	global itz_max_idle
	set itz_max_idle $args

	putcmdlog "#$hand# setmaxidle of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "Max idle is set to:  $args "

proc itz_set_cc {hand idx args} {
	global itz_check_channels

	putcmdlog "#$hand# setidlechans of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	if {[string tolower $args] == "all"} {
		set res "ALL"
	} else {
		set res ""
		foreach ch $args {
			set res "$res $ch"
	set itz_check_channels $res

	putdcc $idx "Check channels is set to:  $itz_check_channels "

proc itz_add_en {hand idx args} {
	global itz_exclude_nicks
	putcmdlog "#$hand# addexclnick of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	if {[llength $args] >= 0} {
		set tmp [join $args " "]
		set itz_exclude_nicks "$tmp $itz_exclude_nicks"
	putdcc $idx "Exclude nicks is set to:  $itz_exclude_nicks "

proc itz_rem_en {hand idx args} {
	global itz_exclude_nicks

	putcmdlog "#$hand# remexclnick of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	set res ""
	foreach item $itz_exclude_nicks {
		if {[lsearch [string tolower [join $args " "]] [string tolower $item]] < 0} {
			set res "$res$item "
	set itz_exclude_nicks $res
	putdcc $idx "Exclude nicks is set to:  $itz_exclude_nicks "

proc itz_rem_all_en {hand idx args} {
	global itz_exclude_nicks

	putcmdlog "#$hand# remallexclnick of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	set itz_exclude_nicks ""
	putdcc $idx "Exclude nicks is set to:  $itz_exclude_nicks "

proc itz_get_ii {hand idx args} {
	global itz_between_checkz

	putcmdlog "#$hand# getinterval of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "Time between idle checks is:  $itz_between_checkz "

proc itz_get_mi {hand idx args} {
	global itz_max_idle

	putcmdlog "#$hand# getmaxidle of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "Max idle is:  $itz_max_idle "

proc itz_get_cc {hand idx args} {
	global itz_check_channels

	putcmdlog "#$hand# getidlechans of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "Check channels is:  $itz_check_channels "

proc itz_get_en {hand idx args} {
	global itz_exclude_nicks

	putcmdlog "#$hand# getexclnicks of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "Exclude nicks is:  $itz_exclude_nicks "

proc itz_get_all {hand idx args} {
	global itz_between_checkz itz_max_idle itz_check_channels itz_exclude_nicks itz_timer_on_off

	putcmdlog "#$hand# getidleall of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	if {$itz_timer_on_off == 1} {
		putdcc $idx "Check idle status:  AUTO "
	} else {
		putdcc $idx "Check idle status:  OFF "
	putdcc $idx "Time between idle checks:  $itz_between_checkz "
	putdcc $idx "Max idle:  $itz_max_idle "
	putdcc $idx "Check channels is:  $itz_check_channels "
	putdcc $idx "Exclude nicks:  $itz_exclude_nicks "

proc itz_run_timer {} {
	global itz_timer_on_off itz_between_checkz

	if {(![string match "*itz_whois_engine*" [timers]]) && ($itz_timer_on_off == 1)} {
		timer $itz_between_checkz itz_whois_engine

proc itz_checkidle {hand idx args} {
	putcmdlog "#$hand# checkidle of ¬IdleToolZ¬"

proc itz_idlehelp {hand idx args} {
	putcmdlog "#$hand# idlehelp of ¬IdleToolZ¬"
	putdcc $idx "¬ Help of  Idle ToolZ : ¬"
	putdcc $idx " checkidle  - Checks for people width idle;"
	putdcc $idx " setidlestatus  (owners only) - Set  auto / off  ( 0 / 1 ) check idle;"
	putdcc $idx " idlelist  - List of the people who are in idle and had lost op/voice;"
	putdcc $idx " getidleall  - List of all the configurations;"
	putdcc $idx " setinterval  (owners only) - Sets interval between verifications of idle, in minutes;"
	putdcc $idx " setmaxidle  (owners only) - Sets maximum idle that a op/voice can have, in minutes;"
	putdcc $idx " setidlechans  (owners only) - Sets channels to look idle; leave \"ALL\" to look for in all;"
	putdcc $idx " addexclnick  (owners only) - Adds nicks to the list of that they are not verified;"
	putdcc $idx " remexclnick  (owners only) - Removes nicks of the list of that they are not verified;"
	putdcc $idx " remallexclnick  (owners only) - Removes all nicks of the list of that they are not verified;"
	putdcc $idx " getinterval  - Gets interval between verifications of idle;"
	putdcc $idx " getmaxidle  - Gets maximum idle that a op/voice can have;"
	putdcc $idx " getidlechans  - Gets channels to look idle;"
	putdcc $idx " getexclnicks  - List of nicks that they are not verified;"

proc itz_check {nick int argumentz} {
	global itz_max_idle itz_check_channels itz_list_of_opz itz_list_of_voicez
	set nick [lindex $argumentz 1]
	set lnick [string tolower $nick]
	set itz_idle [lindex $argumentz 2]
	set itz_idle_in_minutes [expr $itz_idle / 60]

	if {$itz_check_channels == "ALL"} {
		set itz_chan_temp [channels]
	} else {
		set itz_chan_temp $itz_check_channels

	foreach itz_chan $itz_chan_temp {
		set itz_mods ""
		set itz_nks ""

		if {[onchan $lnick $itz_chan]} {
			set tmp "$nick $itz_chan"

			if {$itz_idle_in_minutes > $itz_max_idle} {
				if {[isop $lnick $itz_chan]} {
					putlog " DEOP  ($itz_chan):  $nick  - Idle: $itz_idle_in_minutes minutes"
					set itz_mods "$itz_mods-o"
					set itz_nks "$itz_nks $lnick"
					if {[lsearch $itz_list_of_opz $tmp] == -1} {
						lappend itz_list_of_opz $tmp
				if {[isvoice $lnick $itz_chan]} { 
					putlog " DEVOICE  ($itz_chan):  $nick  - Idle: $itz_idle_in_minutes minutes"
					set itz_mods "$itz_mods-v"
					set itz_nks "$itz_nks $lnick"
					if {[lsearch $itz_list_of_voicez $tmp] == -1} {
						lappend itz_list_of_voicez $tmp
			} else {
				set pos [lsearch $itz_list_of_opz $tmp]
				if {$pos != -1} {
					if {$itz_idle_in_minutes < $itz_max_idle} {
						putlog " OP  ($itz_chan):  $nick  - Idle: $itz_idle_in_minutes minutes"
						set itz_mods "$itz_mods+o"
						set itz_nks "$itz_nks $lnick"

						set itz_list_of_opzt {}
						foreach n $itz_list_of_opz {
							if {$n != $tmp} {
								lappend itz_list_of_opzt $n
						set itz_list_of_opz {}
						foreach n $itz_list_of_opzt {
							lappend itz_list_of_opz $n

				set pos [lsearch $itz_list_of_voicez $tmp]
				if {$pos != -1} {
					if {$itz_idle_in_minutes < $itz_max_idle} {
						putlog " VOICE  ($itz_chan):  $nick  - Idle: $itz_idle_in_minutes minutes"
						set itz_mods "$itz_mods+v"
						set itz_nks "$itz_nks $lnick"

						set itz_list_of_voicezt {}
						foreach n $itz_list_of_voicez {
							if {$n != $tmp} {
								lappend itz_list_of_voicezt $n
						set itz_list_of_voicez {}
						foreach n $itz_list_of_voicezt {
							lappend itz_list_of_voicez $n
			putserv "MODE $itz_chan $itz_mods $itz_nks"


proc itz_whois_engine {} {
	global itz_check_channels botnick itz_not_check_botz itz_list_of_opz itz_list_of_voicez itz_exclude_nicks
	if {$itz_check_channels == "ALL"} {
		set itz_chan_temp [channels]
	} else {
		set itz_chan_temp $itz_check_channels
	set tmp_ch [join $itz_chan_temp " "]
	putlog "Checking for idle:  $tmp_ch "

	foreach itz_chan $itz_chan_temp {
		foreach coisa [chanlist $itz_chan] { 
			if {[isop $coisa $itz_chan] || [isvoice $coisa $itz_chan]} {
				set pos [lsearch [string tolower $itz_exclude_nicks] [string tolower $coisa]]
				if {$itz_not_check_botz == 1} {
					if {(![matchattr [nick2hand $coisa $itz_chan] b]) && ($coisa != $botnick) && ($pos == -1)} {
						putserv "WHOIS $coisa $coisa"
				if {$itz_not_check_botz == 0} {
					if {$coisa != $botnick && ($pos == -1)} {
						putserv "WHOIS $coisa $coisa"

	set itz_list_of_opzt {}
	foreach n $itz_list_of_opz {
		set nk [lindex $n 0]
		if {[onchan $nk [lindex $n 1]]} {
			putserv "WHOIS $nk $nk"
			lappend itz_list_of_opzt $n
	set itz_list_of_opz {}
	foreach n $itz_list_of_opzt {
		lappend itz_list_of_opz $n

	set itz_list_of_voicezt {}
	foreach n $itz_list_of_voicez {
		set nk [lindex $n 0]
		if {[onchan $nk [lindex $n 1]]} {
			putserv "WHOIS $nk $nk"
			lappend itz_list_of_voicezt $n

	set itz_list_of_voicez {}
	foreach n $itz_list_of_voicezt {
		lappend itz_list_of_voicez $n



bind dcc -|- checkidle itz_checkidle

bind dcc n setinterval itz_set_ii
bind dcc n setmaxidle itz_set_mi
bind dcc n setidlechans itz_set_cc
bind dcc n addexclnick itz_add_en
bind dcc n remexclnick itz_rem_en
bind dcc n remallexclnick itz_rem_all_en
bind dcc n setidlestatus itz_set_is

bind dcc -|- idlelist itz_lista
bind dcc -|- getinterval itz_get_ii
bind dcc -|- getmaxidle itz_get_mi
bind dcc -|- getidlechans itz_get_cc
bind dcc -|- getexclnicks itz_get_en
bind dcc -|- getidleall itz_get_all

bind dcc -|- idlehelp itz_idlehelp

bind raw - 317 itz_check

putlog "IdlE ToolZ loaded"
putlog "Type  .idlehelp  for more help. "

################### END OF FILE ##################
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