On 2002-02-08 05:16, Ian-Highlander wrote:
It will also create one lovely kick/rejoin/kick/rejoin flood
Get a few flood bots in at the same time and your eggie aint gonna be able to cope with that.
Unless you got one doing the banning and one or more doing the kicking of course.
That is why I specified "Only if the bot is linked and sharing".
The idea behind this is the reaction time, and stragegy:
*** Joins: banneduser (
From that second, bots verify the banlist, they all try to set mode +b in that channel, THEN kick.
What I want to do here is bots cooperation, team work.
*** banneduser was kicked from #channel by bot1
*** bot2 sets mode: +b *!*@user.host.com
Of course, this may result in "banneduser" to rejoin the channel before the IRC server he's on has received the +b command, or bots lagging...
Hmmm, on second thought, instead of a "kick only" bot, I'd opt for a "kick first, ban second" type of bot mode, with the same conditions as my first post.
In a floodbots type of situation, if the floodbot doesn't have a rejoin option, that is in my advantage.
In other words, I want to spare a little time between the /mode +b and the kick.
On 2002-02-09 02:16, slennox wrote:
I'd suggest keeping the ban active on the channel for longer so that they can't join in the first place. In any case, sending 3 lines to the channel should hardly be considered a victory for the flooder.
3 lines per floodbot, 7 of them were used per shot, total: 21 lines of the same damn thing (reverse, color, bold). He's not winning, but he at least annoyed people in the channel.