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Post by BassTeQ »

Im trying to use this TCL which allows a channel trigger to DCC send a file to a user.
Although it seems to bind it to PUBM not PUB and when I type !trigger in the channel it does nothing. Now Im no TCL expert, so is the below code for an older version of an eggy maybe? Im running the latest version of an eggdrop, can it be modified to work?

# Syntax: set "mc_sff_<pub|msg|ctcp>([flag<|>[s]] [<#>channel] <trigger>)" "<file> [file [..]]"
set mc_sff_pub(!tcl) "doc/tcl-commands.doc"

# This is where you setup message trigger(s), everything is same as above
# expect its set mc_sff_msg insted of mc_sff_pub.
# If you give a channel restriction here, it will be used with the flag
# restriction as well as to see if the user is IN the channel (can't very
# well determin if the user triggered it from that #channel *wink*)
set "mc_sff_msg(m|- get tcl?commands)" "doc/tcl-commands.doc"

# This is where you setup ctcp trigger(s), everything is same as above
# expect its set mc_sff_ctcp insted of mc_sff_pub.
# If you give a channel restriction here, it will be used with the flag
# restriction as well as to see if the user is IN the channel. This
# will respond to direct ctcp's and not channel ctcps -- saffer that
# way.
set "mc_sff_ctcp(m|- get *list*)" "doc/tcl-commands.doc"

## MC SVS (Script Version Service) v1.2 ##
# Do you want the bot to connection to MC_8's SVS to see if there are newer versions
# of this script avilable? It will only tell you -- It's up to you to get the newest
# version (I decided not to auto update the code, there may be new features in the
# newest script that may require your attention).
# 0=no/1=yes
set mc_sf(svs:enabled) 1

# Once a day the script will check with the SVS -- this specifies when
# that should happen. The setting should be the hour (military).
# examples:
# set mc_sf(svs:check) 0 ;#This is at Midnight
# set mc_sf(svs:check) 5 ;#This is at 5am
# set mc_sf(svs:check) 13 ;#This is at 1pm
# set mc_sf(svs:check) 23 ;#This is at 11pm
set mc_sf(svs:check) 3

# Upon finding a newer version, who do you want to notify via note?
# Only the admin of the bot should really be worried about these notes,
# there the ones that keep everything up to par on the bots.
# Seperate each user with a " " (space).
set mc_sf(svs:notify) "MC_8"

# Do you want even beta version notified to whomever you have set? Or just
# stable releases of the script?
# 0 = Tell me about all version, even beta versions.
# 1 = Just tell me about new stable versions.
set mc_sf(svs:stableonly) 0

### Do not edit past this part ###
set mc_sf(version) v1.8
set mc_sf(svs:script) "sendfile 001008000000"
set mc_sf(svs:server) " 8085"

if {$numversion < "1050000"} {
putlog "Send File $mc_sf(version) by MC_8 is for eggdrop 1.5+ series only."
putlog "Send File $mc_sf(version) will not work with eggdrop $version."
putlog "Send File $mc_sf(version) not loaded."
return 1
};setudef flag mc.sendfile

set temp 1
foreach item [modules] {if {[lindex $item 0] == "transfer"} {set temp 0 ; break}}
if {$temp} {loadmodule transfer}
if {![info exists xfer-timeout]} {set xfer-timeout 300}
if {![info exists max-dloads]} {set max-dloads 3}
if {![info exists copy-to-tmp]} {set copy-to-tmp 1}
if {![info exists dcc-block]} {set dcc-block 0}

bind pubm - * mcsf:send:pubm
proc mcsf:send:pubm {n uh h ch a} {mcsf:send $n $uh $h $ch $a "_pub"}

bind msgm - * mcsf:send:msgm
proc mcsf:send:msgm {n uh h a} {mcsf:send $n $uh $h * $a "_msg"}

bind raw - PRIVMSG mcsf:send:raw:privmsg
proc mcsf:send:raw:privmsg {f k a} {
set a [string range $a [expr [string first : $a]+1] [string length $a]]
if {([string index $a 0] == "01") &&
([string index $a [expr [string length $a]-1]] == "01")} {
set n [string range $f 0 [expr [string first ! $f]-1]]
set uh [string range $f [expr [string first ! $f]+1] [expr [string length $f]-1]]
set h [nick2hand $n]
set a [string range $a 1 [expr [string length $a]-2]]
mcsf:send $n $uh $h * $a "_ctcp"
};return 0

proc mcsf:send {nick uhost hand chan args meth} {
global mc_sf mc_sf_pub mc_sf_msg mc_sf_ctcp
if {($meth == "_pub") && (![mc:sf:inter:chanflagison $chan mc.sendfile])} {return 0}
foreach search [array names mc_sf${meth}] {
set fullfile [set mc_sf${meth}($search)]
if {[string match *|* [set s_flag [lindex [split $search] 0]]]} {
set search [lrange [split $search] 1 e]
} else { set s_flag -|- }
if {[string match #* [set s_chan [lindex [split $search] 0]]]} {
set search [lrange [split $search] 1 e]
} else { set s_chan $chan }
if {$chan == "*"} {set m_match [matchattr $hand $s_flag]} else {
set m_match [matchattr $hand $s_flag $chan]
if {(($meth == "_msg") || ($meth == "_ctcp")) && ($s_chan != "*")} {
set m_chan [onchan $nick $chan]
} else {
if {[string tolower $chan] == [string tolower $s_chan]} {set m_chan 1} {set m_chan 0}
if {[string match [string tolower $search] [string tolower $args]] &&
$m_chan && $m_match} {break} {
unset search;unset fullfile;unset s_flag;unset s_chan;unset m_match;unset m_chan
};if {![info exists search]} {return 0}
foreach sendfile $fullfile {
set file [lindex [split $sendfile /] e]
switch -- [dccsend $sendfile $nick] {
0 {puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Sending $file to you."}
1 {puthelp "NOTICE $nick :grin:cc table is full (too many connections), try to get $file later."}
2 {puthelp "NOTICE $nick :can't open a socket for the transfer of $file."}
3 {puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$file doesn't exist."}
4 {puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$file was queued for later transfer."}

foreach array [array names mc_sf_pub] {unset mc_sf_pub($array)}
foreach array [array names mc_sf_msg] {unset mc_sf_msg($array)}
foreach array [array names mc_sf_ctcp] {unset mc_sf_ctcp($array)}
foreach array [array names mc_sff_pub] {set mc_sf_pub($array) $mc_sff_pub($array)}
catch {unset mc_sff_pub}
foreach array [array names mc_sff_msg] {set mc_sf_msg($array) $mc_sff_msg($array)}
catch {unset mc_sff_msg}
foreach array [array names mc_sff_ctcp] {set mc_sf_ctcp($array) $mc_sff_ctcp($array)}
catch {unset mc_sff_ctcp}

proc mc:sf:inter:chanflagison {chan flag} {
set chan [string tolower $chan]
foreach info [channel info $chan] {
if {[string range $info 1 e] == $flag} {
if {[string index $info 0] == "-"} {return 0} {return 1}
};return 0

## SVS v1.2
if {![info exists mc_sf(svs:enabled)]} {set mc_sf(svs:enabled) 0}
if {($mc_sf(svs:enabled) != "0") && ($mc_sf(svs:enabled) != "1")} {set mc_sf(svs:enabled) 0}
if {![info exists mc_sf(svs:check)]} {set mc_sf(svs:check) 0}
if {([catch {expr $mc_sf(svs:check)+1}]) || (!$mc_sf(svs:check))} {
set mc_sf(svs:check) 0
if {![info exists mc_sf(svs:notify)]} {set mc_sf(svs:notify) $owner}
if {![info exists mc_sf(svs:stableonly)]} {set mc_sf(svs:stableonly) 0}
if {($mc_sf(svs:stableonly) != "0") && ($mc_sf(svs:stableonly) != "1")} {
set mc_sf(svs:stableonly) 0
if {$mc_sf(svs:enabled)} {
if {($mc_sf(svs:check) > "23") || ($mc_sf(svs:check) < "0")} {set mc_sf(svs:check) 00}
if {[string length $mc_sf(svs:check)] == "1"} {set mc_sf(svs:check) 0$mc_sf(svs:check)}
if {$mc_sf(svs:stableonly)} {
set mc_sf(svs:script) [string range $mc_sf(svs:script) 0 [expr [string length $mc_sf(svs:script)]-4]]999
catch {unbind time - "00 $mc_sf(svs:oldcheck) * * *" mc:sf:svs:time}
set mc_sf(svs:oldcheck) $mc_sf(svs:check)
bind time - "00 $mc_sf(svs:check) * * *" mc:sf:svs:time
proc mc:sf:svs:time {min hour day month year} {
global replaceme.
catch {control [connect [lindex $mc_sf(svs:server) 0] [lindex $mc_sf(svs:server) 1]] mc:sf:svs:interface}
proc mc:sf:svs:interface {idx args} {
global replaceme.;set args [join $args]
switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
"" {return 1}
000 {putdcc $idx q}
002 {putdcc $idx [lindex $mc_sf(svs:script) 0]}
003 {
set args [lrange $args 1 e]
if {[lindex $args 0] != [lindex $mc_sf(svs:script) 0]} {return 0}
putdcc $idx q
if {[lindex $args 1] > [lindex $mc_sf(svs:script) 1]} {
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace [lindex $args 7] "%0 {[lindex $args 0]} %1 {[lindex $args 1]} %2 {[lindex $args 2]}"]
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%3 {[lindex $args 3]} %4 {[lindex $args 4]} %5 {[lindex $args 5]}"]
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%6 {[lindex $args 6]} %8 {[lindex $args 8]} %version {$mc_sf(version)}"]
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%9 {[lindex $args 9]} %10 {[lindex $args 10]} %11 {[lindex $args 11]}"]
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%12 {[lindex $args 12]} %13 {[lindex $args 13]} %14 {[lindex $args 14]}"]
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%15 {[lindex $args 15]} %16 {[lindex $args 16]} %17 {[lindex $args 17]}"]
set note [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%18 {[lindex $args 18]} %19 {[lindex $args 19]} %20 {[lindex $args 20]}"]
foreach notify [join [split $mc_sf(svs:notify) ",;"]] {
set outnote [mc:sf:svs:replace $note "%nick {$notify}"]
if {[string match "*$outnote*" "[notes $notify -[notes $notify]]"]} {
set cont 0
foreach unote [notes $notify -[notes $notify]] {
if {$outnote == [lindex $unote 2]} {set cont 1;break}
};if {$cont} {continue}
switch -- [sendnote SVS $notify $outnote] {
0 {putlog "MC SVS for [lindex $mc_sf(svs:script) 0] had some errors updating $notify on current version of script; unknown reason!"}
3 {putlog "MC SVS for [lindex $mc_sf(svs:script) 0] had some errors updating $notify on current version of script; notebox too full!"}
};return 0
## ^

putlog "SendFile $mc_sf(version) by MC_8 loaded."

Post by BassTeQ »

Anyone?? Please!!
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Posts: 959
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by stdragon »

That is hard to read!

Next time try using [ code ] and [ /code ] around it.

Also, check the "Disable smilies on this post" checkbox before you post.

Post by BassTeQ »

Sorry about that