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relay text on keyword

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relay text on keyword

Post by johne »

ive been using this script and it works great, id just like to make a modification, heres the script.

Code: Select all

# chan-relay v1.01 by shred, 2001 <>

# <vars>
set cr(version) "1.01"

# format: "bot1 #bot1chan flags1 {users1} bot2 #bot2chan flags2 {users2}"

# bot1                         <---  #bot2chan, flags2, {users2}
# #bot1chan, flags1, {users1}  --->  bot2

# users: 
# {}		- no users
# {*}		- all users
# {nick1 nick2}	- selected users (only nick1 and nick2)

# flags (what to send):
# c	- chan msgs, actions
# C	- chan msgs, actions with @/+ prefix
# j	- join, part, quit msgs
# m	- mode change msgs
# k	- kick msgs
# n	- nick change
# N	- send with out nick (message only)
# t	- topic change
# u	- request user list (from another side)
# T	- t + synchronize
# 1|2|3	- output priority (default is 3, 1 is NOT recommended)
# a	= cjmnkt
# A	= CjmknT
# !! incorrect lines are ignored !!
set cr(sets) {
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} duron #distributed - {}"
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} chasm #distributed - {}"
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} chasm - {}"
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} Cluster #distributed - {}"
  "chasm A {*} duron #noname uc {shred}"
  "ZED A {*} duron ucjn1 {shred}"
  "Cluster #atom a {*} duron #tyumen u {shred}"
  "dnr #qq A {*} duron #eggdrop A {*}"

# list of bots with this script on board (authorized bots)
# also needed for dcc command "cr_rehash" (rehash all selected bots)
set cr(netbots) "Cluster ZED Fiber BadBlock def chasm duron dnr"
# </vars>

# <procs>
proc xindex {xarg xarg1} {return [join [lrange [split $xarg] $xarg1 $xarg1]]}
proc xrange {xarg xarg1 xarg2} {return [join [lrange [split $xarg] $xarg1 $xarg2]]}
proc b {} { return \002 }

proc cr_modep {nick chan cmd} {
  if {$cmd == "cr_pubm" || $cmd == "cr_act"} {
    if {[isop $nick $chan]} {return "\@$nick"}
    if {[isvoice $nick $chan]} {return "\+$nick"}
  return $nick
proc cr_cansend {cmd modes} {
  if {$modes == "-"} {return 0}
  regsub "a" $modes "cjmnkt" modes
  regsub "A" $modes "CjmnkT" modes
  if {[lsearch "cr_report cr_ulist" $cmd] != -1} {return 1}
  switch $cmd {
    cr_pubm {if {[string match "*\[cC\]*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_act {if {[string match "*\[cC\]*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_join {if {[string match "*j*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_part {if {[string match "*j*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_sign {if {[string match "*j*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_mode {if {[string match "*m*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_nick {if {[string match "*n*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_topc {if {[string match "*\[tT\]*" $modes]} {return 1}}
    cr_ulistreq {if {[string match "*u*" $modes]} {return 1}}
  return 0
proc cr_getpri {modes} {
  if {[string match "*1*" $modes]} {return 1}
  if {[string match "*2*" $modes]} {return 2}
  return 3
proc cr_send2 {b1d b2d cmd nick text} {
  set b1name	[xindex $b1d 0]
  set b1chan	[xindex $b1d 1]
  set b1modes	[xindex $b1d 2]
  set b1users	[xindex $b1d 3]
  set b1pri	[cr_getpri $b1modes]
  set b2name	[xindex $b2d 0]
  set b2chan	[xindex $b2d 1]
  set b2modes	[xindex $b2d 2]
  set b2users	[xindex $b2d 3]
  set b2pri	[cr_getpri $b2modes]
  if {![cr_cansend $cmd $b1modes]} {return}
  if {$b1name == $b2name} {
    if {[string match "*\[CA\]*" $b1modes]} {set nick [cr_modep $nick $b1chan $cmd]}
    cr_brecive $b1name $cmd [concat $b2chan $nick $text]
  } else {
    if {[string match "*\[CA\]*" $b1modes]} {set nick [cr_modep $nick $b1chan $cmd]}
    foreach x $b1users {
      if {$x == $nick || $x == "\*"} {
        if {$cmd == "cr_topc" && $nick == $b1name} {continue}
        if {($cmd == "cr_topc") && [string match "*\[AT\]*" $b1modes]} {append cmd "s"}
        if {($cmd == "cr_pubm" || $cmd == "cr_act") && [string match "*N*" $b1modes]} {set nick "\*"}
        if {[catch {putbot $b2name "$cmd $b1pri $b2chan $nick $text"} err]} {putlog "$x bot error: $err"}
proc cr_send {cmd chan nick text} {
  global botnick cr
  regsub -all ï $text Ÿ text
  foreach i $cr(sets) {
    if {[llength $i] != 8} {continue}
    set b1name	[xindex $i 0]
    set b1chan	[xindex $i 1]
    set b1modes	[xindex $i 2]
    set b1users	[xindex $i 3]
    set b2name	[xindex $i 4]
    set b2chan	[xindex $i 5]
    set b2modes	[xindex $i 6]
    set b2users	[xindex $i 7]
    if {$b1name == $botnick && $b1chan == $chan} {
      cr_send2 "$b1name $b1chan $b1modes $b1users" "$b2name $b2chan $b2modes $b2users" $cmd $nick $text
    } elseif {$b2name == $botnick && $b2chan == $chan} {
      cr_send2 "$b2name $b2chan $b2modes $b2users" "$b1name $b1chan $b1modes $b1users" $cmd $nick $text

proc cr_pubm {nick uhost hand chan text} {cr_send cr_pubm $chan $nick $text}
proc cr_act {nick uhost hand chan keyw text} {cr_send cr_act $chan $nick $text}
proc cr_nick {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {cr_send cr_nick $chan $nick $newnick}
proc cr_mode {nick uhost hand chan mc victim} {
  if {$nick == "" && $hand == "\*"} {
    cr_send cr_mode $chan $uhost "$chan $mc $victim"
  } else {
    cr_send cr_mode $chan $nick "$chan $mc $victim"
proc cr_join {nick uhost hand chan} {
  cr_send cr_join $chan $nick "$chan $uhost"
  cr_send cr_ulistreq $chan $nick "$chan"
proc cr_part {nick uhost hand chan msg} {cr_send cr_part $chan $nick "$chan $uhost"}
proc cr_sign {nick uhost hand chan reason} {cr_send cr_sign $chan $nick "$uhost $reason"}
proc cr_topc {nick uhost hand chan topic} {if {$nick == "\*"} {return}; cr_send cr_topc $chan $nick "$chan $topic"}
proc cr_kick {nick uhost hand chan target reason} {cr_send cr_kick $chan $nick "$target $reason"}

proc cr_putx {pri text} {
  switch $pri {
    1 {putquick $text}
    2 {putserv $text}
    3 {puthelp $text}
    default {putlog "ERROR: Wrong priority ($pri) for message '$text'"}
proc cr_brecive {frombot cmd arg} {
  global cr server
  if {$server == ""} {return}
  if {[lsearch $cr(netbots) $frombot] == -1} {return}
  set pri  [xindex $arg 0]
  set chan [xindex $arg 1]
  set nick [xindex $arg 2]
  set text [xrange $arg 3 end]
  switch $cmd {
    cr_pubm {if {$nick == "*"} {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :$text"} else {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\<$nick\> $text"}}
    cr_act {if {$nick == "*"} {putact $chan $text} else {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\* $nick $text"}}
    cr_nick {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick is now known as $text"}
    cr_mode {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick sets [xindex $text 0] mode: [xrange $text 1 end]"}
    cr_sign {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick ([xindex $text 0]) Quit ([xrange $text 1 end])"}
    cr_join {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick ([xindex $text 1]) has joined [xindex $text 0]"}
    cr_part {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick ([xindex $text 1]) has left [xindex $text 0]"}
    cr_topc {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick changes [xindex $text 0] topic to '[xrange $text 1 end]'"}
    cr_topcs {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* $nick changes [xindex $text 0] topic to '[xrange $text 1 end]'"; if {[botisop $chan]} {putserv "TOPIC $chan :[xrange $text 1 end] ($nick)"}}
    cr_kick {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\*\*\* [xindex $text 0] was kicked from $chan by $nick ([xrange $text 1 end])"}
    cr_dorehash {putbot $frombot cr_rehashing; putlog "REHASH request from $frombot"; rehash}
    cr_rehashing {putlog "  $frombot: rehashing..."}
    cr_report {cr_putx $pri "PRIVMSG $chan :\! Relay bot (${frombot}) reporting: $text"}
    cr_ulistreq {putbot $frombot "cr_ulist 3 $text $nick [b][llength [chanlist $chan]][b] users on [b]$chan[b]: [join [lsort [chanlist $chan]] {, }]"}
    cr_ulist {cr_putx $pri "NOTICE $nick :\[$chan\] $text"}
proc cr_sendrehash {hand idx arg} {
  global cr botnick
  putlog "Sending REHASH request to [llength $cr(netbots)] bots..."
  foreach x $cr(netbots) {
    if {$x == $botnick} {continue}
    if {![islinked $x]} {putlog "$x bot is not currently linked"; continue}
    if {[catch {putbot $x "cr_dorehash"} err]} {putlog "$x bot error: $err"}
  putlog "Send completed. Rehashing myself..."; rehash
proc cr_need {chan type} {
  if {$type == "unban"} {cr_send cr_report $chan - "need unban on $chan"}
# </procs>

# <binds>
bind dcc n cr_rehash cr_sendrehash
bind need - * cr_need
bind pubm - * cr_pubm
bind ctcp - ACTION cr_act
bind nick - * cr_nick
bind mode - * cr_mode
bind join - * cr_join
bind part - * cr_part
bind sign - * cr_sign
bind topc - * cr_topc
bind kick - * cr_kick
bind bot - cr_pubm cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_act cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_nick cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_mode cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_join cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_part cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_sign cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_topc cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_topcs cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_kick cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_dorehash cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_rehashing cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_report cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_ulistreq cr_brecive
bind bot - cr_ulist cr_brecive
# </binds>

# <c>
putlog "  chan-relay v$cr(version) by shred, 2001 <>"
# </c>
and what im wanting to add, is another variable to the list @ the top for a keyword and whenever that word is said in a channel, it relays only that line of text on the recieving channel.

thanks in advance if you can help me out.
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Post by demond »

Code: Select all

proc cr_send {cmd chan nick text} {
  global botnick cr
  regsub -all ï $text Ÿ text
  foreach i $cr(sets) {
    if {[llength $i] != 9} {continue}
    set b1name   [xindex $i 0]
    set b1chan   [xindex $i 1]
    set b1modes   [xindex $i 2]
    set b1users   [xindex $i 3]
    set b2name   [xindex $i 4]
    set b2chan   [xindex $i 5]
    set b2modes   [xindex $i 6]
    set b2users   [xindex $i 7]
    set filter [xindex $i 8]
    if {$b1name == $botnick && $b1chan == $chan} {
      if ![string match -noc *${filter}* $text] {continue}
      cr_send2 "$b1name $b1chan $b1modes $b1users" "$b2name $b2chan $b2modes $b2users" $cmd $nick $text
    } elseif {$b2name == $botnick && $b2chan == $chan} {
      if ![string match -noc *${filter}* $text] {continue}
      cr_send2 "$b2name $b2chan $b2modes $b2users" "$b1name $b1chan $b1modes $b1users" $cmd $nick $text
use the usual Tcl string matching rules ("*" matches any word)
Last edited by demond on Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by johne »

damn, you are the man, i still could never get that damned rss script to work *sigh*
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Post by johne »

also, is there a way to make this into one of the variables, like say adding a z to the configuration? and should i replace this part of the script with the new code, or add it later
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Post by demond »

replace proc cr_send with my code

the conf part becomes:

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set cr(sets) {
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} duron #distributed - {} foo"
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} chasm #distributed - {} bar"
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} chasm - {} *"
  "dnr #distributed cN {dctievent} Cluster #distributed - {} *"
  "chasm A {*} duron #noname uc {shred} *"
  "ZED A {*} duron ucjn1 {shred} *"
  "Cluster #atom a {*} duron #tyumen u {shred} *"
  "dnr #qq A {*} duron #eggdrop A {*} *"
first two lines will match and send only lines containing "foo" or "bar" (case-insensitive); the rest match and send any text ("*")
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Post by johne »

:) k im off to test it, once again, you are the man!
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Post by johne »

:( lol...and again nothing ever works for me...

and none of it is relaying now with the script change

does it matter that my keyword is like !news
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Post by demond »

what's your configuration? i.e. the cr(sets) array
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Post by johne »

sorry i was a works :D