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how do i connect windrop to shell account? thx demond 4help

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how do i connect windrop to shell account? thx demond 4help

Post by hoopy »

can any1 help pls?
i have downloaded windrop and followed the install in structions and have edited the egg.conf file etc...

i reached 1 part of the install i couldnt figure?

Change to the eggdrop's directory
For example, if the eggdrop was installed at D:\Windrop\ then type D: then cd D:\Windrop\
And run eggdrop in the userfile creation mode (If you have no userfile) with eggdrop -m

where do i find the coomand prompt on my windows to type this command?? i found a few command prompts to other short cuts

Last prob: how do i configure my windrop to work with my shell account?
As the install file seems to be telling me to install windrop through windows commnd - where as with the linux script u unzip and configure in ur shell ?
Could help with that pls.

thx for help guys much appreciated helping me out and a big thx desmond for his prompt help earlier today top bloke
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Post by greenbear »

Start menu -> Run.. Type 'cmd', then click the OK button.
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Post by Alchera »

hoopy wrote:Last prob: how do i configure my windrop to work with my shell account?
As the install file seems to be telling me to install windrop through windows commnd - where as with the linux script u unzip and configure in ur shell ?
You are using a Windrop not an eggdrop bot. No *nix no shell required as it's running on your own computer. You'd know this if you'd read any docs.

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