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yet another dcc chat problem...yet this is weird :))

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yet another dcc chat problem...yet this is weird :))

Post by agathodaimon »

Well ..I installed eggbot 1.6.7 on Suse 9.2 aaand everything seem ok until i tried to dcc chat to it...i have a second computer ..with win xp on it..and from there it worked just fine...but from the suse box didn`t.
I read all the topics on dcc chat in this forum ( they are many you know) and i changed everything at some point..i've put my linux box in dmz zone with the router still nothing...i'ved commented out the nat ip thingy ..still nothing...any ideas? ( tried the /ctcp botnick chat doesnt even answers back now when its on dmz ...before it answerd but then timed out . With standard mirc ( on the xp box the dcc chat works just fine with anybody from anywhere ) I'm puzzled ,,,any ideas?
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Post by demond »

when irc'ing from the suse box - and wanting to dcc the bot on the same box - set your local ip in your irc client correctly