# iNgADvert.tcl by iNgLiSh #
# -adapted from newaidle.tcl by Felipe Tonioli#
# BE SURE TO EDIT WITH PICO or other linux #
# editor, or else it will all get messed up! #
# ie. in shell commandline: pico ingadvert.tcl#
# and then ctrl+x to save and close. #
# Enjoy!!! -iNgLiSh #
# How often should it spit out ad:(in minutes ie. set ad-at 5
# would make it advertise every 5 min) :
set ad-at- 5
set vers "v o.1"
# Chan to advertise in:
set chan "trivia.nl"
###########Edit add ads inside "\002 HERE \002"############
set adtext {
"\002Wil je ook dat ^TriviaBot^ het Nieuws op jouw channel zegt:\002"
"\002Bijvoorbeeld deze Url's van: Fok,Gamer,CS\002"
"\002Kom dan naar #trivia.nl en lees daar het topic \002"
set notnick "$botnick"
set notnick [string tolower ${nick}]
if {![info exists {ald}]} {
global notnick chan ad-at- adtext
set ald 1
timer ${ad-at-} printing
proc printing {} {
global notnick chan ad-at- adtext
set printochan [lindex $adtext [rand [llength $adtext]]]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : $printochan"
timer ${ad-at-} printing
putlog "\002\<ingadvert\> $vers by iNgLiSh is loaded \<ingadvert\>\002"
thnx but now is the problem the bot shows only one text message
this one "\002Bijvoorbeeld deze Url's van: Fok,Gamer,CS\002"
he show the other message not on the channels.
can you fix it for me .
he must send all the text message ones thogether