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no such channel record

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no such channel record

Post by BadAssWright »

their is a problem because the channel is caped or something, and i get this error

Code: Select all

      if { [string tolower [lindex $text 2]] == "lacks" } {
      set chanaccess [join [split [string tolower [lindex $text 6 end]] "."]]
          if { [channel get $chanaccess warnedaboutaccess] == 1 } {
            putlog "Asked to raise my access"
          putlog "I lack access in $chanaccess"
          channel set $chanaccess warnedaboutaccess 1
this is where iam having trouble, the rest of the script works, but this one if $text 2 == lacks then it trys to channel set it i get no such channel record
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Post by demond »

obviously chanaccess is being set incorrectly

[join [split $something "."]] will return 2 or more words (if $something contains ".") - not a channel name

you also need to get a clue how to post, by reading the top sticky post of this forum