Was looking for a script that would request ctcp version from users joining my net (on oper bot) and putting the results into a channel. To later use in my stats program.
.tcl bind ctcr - VERSION bla; proc bla {n u h d kw a} { putlog "VERSION from $n is: $a" }
.tcl puthelp "privmsg opposing :\001VERSION\001"
VERSION from Opposing is: mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey
Probably the nick is not replying for the version request in your case.
proc relay:vreply {nick uhost hand dest kw arg} {
puthelp "privmsg $::relaychan :VERSION reply from $nick is: $arg"
putlog "ctcp reply by Opposing - Loaded."
the channel #info in unregged and so has no channel modes set.
If i start another client and join my net i dont get a version request from the bot.
Maybe its me im not doing something right or is there a command to activate it. I have been trying i made a fresh egg to run it on just incase it was conflicting with another tcl on the egg but still nothing.