I've got a Mambo site, that my host has currently suspended because it has an eggdrop bot.
"I've had to suspend you again. Another eggbot bot has found its way in via your site. You can see it for yourself here:
it's no good me just deleting the directory and zip as I've done before
as it'll only be able to get back in again. Please can you look to see
if Mambo are aware of a defect in their script somewhere and whether
they've issued a fix for this particular issue.
The bot runs as eggrop and is called djbot."
Now I honestly don't know anything about bots, or eggdrop things. All I need help with is knowing what it is, if anyone can tell me how it got there, and how I remove it as my host won't unsuspend my account until it's gone.
Your accout or the server is compromised. Change your password and tell the administrator to run check regarding this. Also, check your scripts (if you got any) that may be compromised and someone can gain access to your account like this.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.