I'm using mysql DB for storing text. But when I'm parsing text from db to channel, the text is not correct. Missing my native language fonts and code [proc] is not executed as proc, but displayed as text. The color code is not working too.
The code:
set textas [mysqlsel $handle "SELECT textas FROM kalba_lt WHERE kalbos_id='$kodas'" -flatlist]
putserv "PRIVMSG skirmis :$textas"
The result:
[kalba 0],1 Testas [kalba 4]raudonas[kalba 0]! murka \0034lama
Found the answer, for color and code helps tcl command subst. But still have problem with language fonts, like ąčęėįųūž. When I',m reading from plain txt file everythings works fine, but from DB i got only ?????