Is it possible to have the module updated or a small tcl script that says the best rank ever achieved by the eggdrop, displaying when it was achieved and some other info?
For example:
And it displays the best rank ever, when it was achieved, for how long was the egg online, etc?
Because will require a massive server queue (on their server, meaning it will have to get each *player* and then do a list for you) if it's from your side. Else, anything it's ossible. Just try send your sugestion to the eggheads webmaster or to whom may interest.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
well, you can query that uptime webserver by the "next 20 results" link until you get to your bot, but that would be rather lame way to do it; nevertheless, it's apparently the only way, as eggheads haven't bothered to provide query interface to that module
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