set channel "#css.worldwide"
set time 20
set text {
" #css.worldwide"
"There are currently $player players on $map"
"css.worldwide is powered by"
if {[string compare [string index $time 0] "!"] == 0} { set timer [string range $time 1 end] } { set timer [expr $time * 60] }
if {[lsearch -glob [utimers] "* go *"] == -1} { utimer $timer go }
proc go {} {
global channel time text timer
foreach chan $channel {
putserv "MODE $chan +m-c"
foreach line $text { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line" }
putserv "MODE $chan -m+c"
if {[lsearch -glob [utimers] "* go *"] == -1} { utimer $timer go }
Now my Description:
Every 20 Minutes the Eggdrop have to set mode -c+m than he should wrote the text and $player stand e.g. for 10/14 and $map e.g. de_dust2
Now i don`t know how to go on i hope you can help me
do you have a webpage with that infos or will the script be forced to trigger a direct query to the cs:s server? afaik that was a UDP/IP connection, if I am not mistaken which would require to call an extern IP app/script to fetch it. I am pretty sure there is some PERL script lurking around for that purpose. you will then have to fileevent (async exec with open |) and when its finished you can print your line (or print server down, if query failed ).
If you have a website, easiest would be to use package http to query it. The FAQ Parsing webpages made easy is a nice example.
As mentioned above, as far as I know, CS:S servers uses UDP only and neither TCL nor Eggdrop supports UDP (though I think it wouldnt be that hard to rewrite CONNECT to something like CONNECTUDP, but its totally unneccesarrily effort).