I type .help *kick* on my bots console and get this description. which one is correct description? And also what are bogus usernames?
### set kick-bogus 0/1
(ZurnaRullaz): do you want the bot to kick bogus usernames?
(ZurnaRullaz): ### set kick-bogus 0/1
(ZurnaRullaz): do you want the bot to kick for ctcp avalanches to a channel?
(ZurnaRullaz): remember that if it does, as it won't ban them, it can be at the
(ZurnaRullaz): origin of a nice kick-flood.
The first description is correct. The second description is for 'kick-fun'. I think kick-bogus is defunct anyway.. not sure (I've lost count of the number of times these kinds of things are missing from the UPDATES files).
A bogus username refers to the ident section of a uhost containing certain characters (I can't remember the exact range), such as control characters. Once upon a time it was popular to use a colour control character, so that when the user joined their uhost would look (to mIRC users) like a block of colour. This also resulted in the stupid bots kicking them endlessly.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: slennox on 2002-03-10 19:15 ]</font>