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search feature

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:02 pm
by Dedan
i have been trying to use your seach feature
which you sem to have changed.

i look at a post and then try to use the "back arrow' button
to get to the main listing of "found posts" and keep getting
the "your page is not longer available" whatever message.

will this be changed or is it something i will have to live with?

btw, thanks for the best "tcl help" website in the world


Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:59 pm
by KrzychuG
Work fine for me using both Opera and Firefox. I can't check on IE cause i don't have it here but it should also work. IMO it's something in your browser config. Can't you simply open topics in new windows/tabs?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:58 pm
by Alchera
Pages "expire" after a certain period of idling; usually the Refresh button reloads the cookie and the problem is fixed.

This has always been with phpBB forums.

KrzychuG: Users of IE7 have tabbed browsing not those using earlier versions of it.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:24 pm
by KrzychuG
Alchera wrote: KrzychuG: Users of IE7 have tabbed browsing not those using earlier versions of it.
I know, that's why i wrote also "new windows" :P

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:17 pm
by Alchera
What's with the "new windows"? Vista is yet to be released and IE7 Beta 3 is available to any one that wants it (XP only).

IE7 can create "new windows" OR tabs. :P

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:59 am
by KrzychuG
Not "new Windows (Vista)" but in new windows (explorer instances) :P

Re: search feature

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:29 pm
by slennox
Dedan wrote:i look at a post and then try to use the "back arrow' button
to get to the main listing of "found posts" and keep getting
the "your page is not longer available" whatever message.
I just tried it in IE6 and encountered the same behavior when hitting back shortly after clicking on a topic in the search results. Tried these phpBB forums: same same same shows the results again on hitting the back button. Probably has something to do with it not specifying no-cache in the Cache-Control header. However, if the forums above are any indication, this behaviour is aberrant.

Are you sure it was different before? I hardly ever use IE here, so I wouldn't know. Firefox doesn't have this annoyance, so that is one possible fix.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:48 am
by awyeah
Tried the forum search feature repeatedly, 6:50PM local KL time.. its giving me similar errors to what ever I try to search for.

Think shane should know this, and to let all of you know also, pasted this here.
Could not insert search results


SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '1970038731' for key 1

INSERT INTO phpbb_search_results (search_id, session_id, search_time, search_array) VALUES(1970038731, '3cfc65f575214d27e32a11130b3e8706', 1172745996, 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:989:"1150, 4363, 4426, 4528, 4606, 4717, 4800, 4894, 4897, 4912, 4913, 4925, 4929, 4940, 4941, 4967, 4982, 5027, 5103, 5192, 5244, 5245, 5283, 5295, 5332, 5426, 5433, 5445, 5589, 5617, 5658, 5663, 5777, 5784, 5790, 5823, 5831, 5852, 5885, 5912, 5915, 5927, 5974, 5996, 6052, 6172, 6189, 6257, 6264, 6429, 6460, 6501, 6527, 6530, 6538, 6586, 6591, 6764, 8681, 9085, 9107, 9198, 9264, 9354, 9370, 9377, 9458, 9510, 9512, 9533, 9542, 9549, 9559, 9585, 9591, 9604, 9611, 9637, 9647, 9676, 9677, 9720, 9721, 9780, 9826, 9904, 9931, 10000, 10133, 10164, 10327, 10340, 10408, 10506, 10565, 10585, 10595, 10616, 10669, 10700, 10748, 10763, 10786, 10787, 10807, 10841, 10979, 11001, 11008, 11038, 11085, 11120, 11126, 11130, 11145, 11155, 11184, 11211, 11214, 11222, 11250, 11334, 11358, 11360, 11384, 11387, 11428, 11546, 11619, 11679, 11683, 11762, 11764, 11789, 11797, 11803, 11807, 11865, 11886, 11985, 12110, 12577, 12662, 12713, 12853, 12891, 12911, 12971, 12992, 12997, 12998, 13004, 13143, 13164";s:17:"total_match_count";i:154;s:12:"split_search";a:1:{i:0;s:4:"join";}s:7:"sort_by";i:0;s:8:"sort_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:12:"show_results";s:6:"topics";s:12:"return_chars";i:200;}')

Line : 748
File : search.php

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:56 am
by Alchera
No error for me. Worked just fine. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:17 am
by slennox
Seems to be working fine now.