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Excess of lag [solved]

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Excess of lag [solved]

Post by Torrevado »

my eggdrop's ping reply is too high, I mean it takes several seconds to respond. I thought maybe it was because of my channel is on an European IRC server while my shell is in USA... but that's not the problem, I tried a server close to my shell and the lag was also too high there.
Another bots on my IRC server, most of them eggdrops, has a low ping reply (just 1 second), but mine is always up to 3 seconds :cry:

Can anybody help me? Thanks

Note: Sorry for my previous post, krimson.
Last edited by Torrevado on Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nml375 »

Are you running any custom scripts or modules? (especially any ones doing some extended data parsing).
Do you get the same lag if you run some other irc-client from that shell?
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Post by Alchera »

Not an eggdrop problem.
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Post by Torrevado »

All scripts and modules I use are well known (gseen.mod, scripts by opposing or slennox...)
I also use Pisg.

About the shell... it's from a nice shell provider, it has been working for years, it's much stable and works fine.
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Post by rosc2112 »

Unload everything from the bot and see if it makes a difference. If not, then your shell provider is at fault, regardless of stability. There are many factors that can cause higher ping response times. Maybe your ISP throttles your connections, maybe they filter, maybe their system/bandwidth is overloaded, maybe they use QOS...
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Post by Alchera »

Fly: This testing is being done on the same server as the bot? It does count.
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Post by Torrevado »

Unloaded all scripts, the problem is still here... even 9 seconds of ping reply!

Alchera: Yes, the tests are made on the same server the bot is placed.
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Post by Torrevado »

Here I am again :lol:

Well, I contacted to my Shell's Technical Support Service and the answer was:

-"No, we do not throttle or filter outgoing traffic
The server is connected via a 100 mbps link and is barely using 200 kb/sec.
We have not received complaints from anyone else.

Can you try connecting to IRC using BitchX or another program (like bnc) to make sure it isn't an eggdrop problem? Have you also tried connecting the eggdrop to a completely different network like Undernet or dalnet?"

I did it and... yes! there is no lag (ping reply never up to 1 second) using BitchX :( ... maybe there's something wrong on my eggdrop.conf ...
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Post by Alchera »

"Have you also tried connecting the eggdrop to a completely different network like Undernet or dalnet?"
Did you?

Re-check you bot configuration : Setting up an Eggdrop
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Post by Azeem »

If its working fine on other networks then there must be some problem in the ircserver that you are connecting...!!

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Post by Torrevado »

Alchera wrote:
"Have you also tried connecting the eggdrop to a completely different network like Undernet or dalnet?"
Did you?

Re-check you bot configuration : Setting up an Eggdrop
Yes, I tried Undernet and DalNet, but the problem is there too (with eggdrop)
I checked my eggdrop .conf file, but I can't find nothing wrong :cry:

Any suggestion?

Azeem: It doesn't work fine on other Nets (just lag, all bot's features works correctly.. but slowly)
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Post by Alchera »

I'd suggest you change shell providers because (as I previously stated) this is not an eggdrop problem.
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Post by nml375 »

Could you check your shell's load average and your eggs load/cpu-time?
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Post by Torrevado »

Thanks everybody!

Now my eggie works fine, its ping reply is between 1-3 seconds, maybe it could be lower but I like this shell provider 'cause of its great uptimes and excellent Technical support Service :)

Thanks again :wink:
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