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1 bot on 2 channels and 2 diffrent servers

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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1 bot on 2 channels and 2 diffrent servers

Post by bast »

Well as the topic says.

Is this possible to do?
I want my bot in 2 diffrent cannels but the chans are on 2 diffrent servers.
I have looked everywhere, but havent found the answer, maybe i haven´t looked hard enogh.

Werywell, anyone that have a solution for this?
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Re: 1 bot on 2 channels and 2 diffrent servers

Post by Alchera »

bast wrote:Well as the topic says.

Is this possible to do?
I want my bot in 2 diffrent cannels but the chans are on 2 diffrent servers.
I have looked everywhere, but havent found the answer, maybe i haven´t looked hard enogh.

Werywell, anyone that have a solution for this?
Simply run another eggdrop from the same directory your existing one is running from by using a different configuration file.

The two can share the same files.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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