How can i use booleans with TCL?
As in
Declare Forward as a variable.
if (forward == true) send stuff to my channel
if (forward == false) dont send stuff to my channel?
Heres the code that needs to contain the trigger for the bool
bind pub - !dothis pub_dothis
proc pub_dothis {nick host hand chan lang text} {
putserv "PRIVMSG #mychannel : say something lalalalal"
heres the forward script, how can i convert this to switch on and off?
I run
My ultimate goal would be to have both of those scripts contained within the same TCL file, can anyone help?bind msgm - "*" proc:laina
set chan "#myprivatechannel"
proc proc:laina {nick uhost hand arg} {
global chan
set line [string trim $arg]
if {$nick == "SeenServ"} {
puthelp "privmsg $chan :SeenServ returned: $line"
return 0
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :\0034 \002$nick : $line\002 ::\0032 /msg $nick"
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick : Your message is logged, ill get back to you in a minute"
return 0