I am using a script i wrote for #sourceringer on gamesurge but the problem i am having is that it only kicks the user and does not kick him if he joins a different channel.
This was in #sourcescrim the ban was set in #sourceringer
[14:02:40] * perfectioN|MONEYSHOT (~PR1ME@PR1ME.user.gamesurge) has joined #sourcescrim
[14:02:40] * perfectioN|MONEYSHOT was kicked by BotServ (Banned: !!!!GLOBAL BAN!!!! NO channel notice in #sourceringer. User banned (*!*@PR1ME.*.gamesurge) [24 hour ban])
[14:02:40] * perfectioN|MONEYSHOT (~PR1ME@PR1ME.user.gamesurge) has joined #sourcescrim
[14:02:43] * perfectioN|MONEYSHOT was kicked by BotServ (Banned: !!!!GLOBAL BAN!!!! NO channel notice in #sourceringer. User banned (*!*@PR1ME.*.gamesurge) [24 hour ban])
It goes on and on, how would i fix this problem and make sure the user gets banned when he comes into a channel the bot is in