The problem is basically that if i write a script that uses mysqltcl, and there is at any point a problem connecting to the mysqld (maybe its ip changed for example), there is a rather large timeout period (about 3 minutes) before throws the tcl error (or moves on/logs if im using catch).
My query is, how do i reduce this timeout period, if at all possible. Any solution need not be related directly to eggdrop or mysqltcl. Although that would be prefered (if there is a way), any solution within the linux dist, tcllib, eggdrop, mysqltcl, etc would be greatly appreciated.
myslqtcl does not permit you to pass any timeout-options directly, however, the ::mysql::connect command does read the my.cnf-file for options in the mysqltcl group. This suggests that you might be able to use the connect-timeout option there, though I have not tested this myself.