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!call (for calling >=hops per highlight)

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Joined: Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:10 am

!call (for calling >=hops per highlight)

Post by Snoopotic »

I would like to have a script, that does the following:

If a user joins a channel (eg a supportchannel where a supporter does not pay much attention for), he might get the ability to type !call after at least 1 minute (maybe setable) idling the channel, then the bot will call all available users having usermode +h and above on that channel. Maybe extended: the users can do !available and !off to let the bot know they can be highlighted or not. Also it should be protected against abusive usage. So every *!*@host has only 2 (or setable) tries to call and after that he/she must wait at least 1hour (setable). Maybe there can be a setting to make !call only every minute (settable) available so that not 20 people join and do 20 calls within 1 minute... (but this script is thought for less-activity channels so I think last point must not be neccesary)

For example it would look like that:
[9:00] +++ helplessuser joins #helpme
[9:00] <helplessuser> Hello?
[9:00] <helplessuser> !call
[9:00] <callbot> helplessuser, please wait at least 1 minute before you call helpers!
[9:01]<helplessuser> !call
[9:01] callbot calls @him ~her &ILL %SNU to help helplessuser
[9:01]<SNU> damn im not available, sorry helplessuser, wait for the others to help you
[9:02]<SNU> !off
[9:02] *** notice from callbot: now you will not be highlited by me and marked as off
[9:10]<helplessuser> !call
[9:10] callbot calls @him ~her &ILL to help helplessuser
[9:10]<callbot> dear helplessuser, this was your last call for an hour. If nobody helps you try again later. Thanks.
[9:12]<him> Hey helplessuser
[9:12]<her> whazz up?
[9:12]<ILL> !off (narf wont disturbed ^^)
I really could not find any similar somewhere. But I think such a script would be very useful for some IRC-channels. I'm used to be in many channels and I dont even check every activity on them. So a "botted" highlighting would be very nice.
I'm not that TCL-coder but I would and could test your scripts, help writing the notices/actions/messages or translate them. Also I could give theoretical advices ^^ Or a bit financial props (but arent we a social network and not a financial one? :D )

Thanks so far.
Greets. SNU
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