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Motus.tcl - french word game (current version : 2.1)

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Motus.tcl - french word game (current version : 2.1)

Post by MenzAgitat »

Here is an adaptation of Motus game for IRC.

You must guess a word chosen randomly by the eggdrop, by making proposals.
The game highlights then the well placed letters and the badly placed letters.
Each word you try is validated or invalidated using ODS5 (the french official Scrabble dictionnary).

Here are the default commands :
!aide: displays a list of commands
!motus: to start the game
!stop: to stop the game
!scores: top 10 scores
!score [nick]: displays the points owned by "nick". displays your own score if "nick" is omitted.
!place [nick]: displays the rank of "nick". displays your own rank if "nick" is omitted.
!stat [nick]: displays player statistics. displays your own stats if "nick" is omitted.
!records: displays game records   *NEW*
!repete: displays the status of the current word to find
!suivant: to skip the current word
!indice: to display an additional hint
!clearscores: clears the scores.
!resetstats: clears the game statistics.
!motus on/off: switch to enable / disable the game.
!motus compile: use it to rehash motus.tcl only, rather than rehashing the whole eggdrop.
!motus version: displays the game's version *NEW*
!fusion <nick1> <nick2>: merges the scores of nick1 and nick2 into nick1, then deletes nick2.
!config [profile]: changes the current configuration profile.
!updatestats: updates the HTML page showing scores and game statistics.
(Note that some of the commands are, by default, reserved to admins.)

The script includes many settings and features you can configure as you wish, like HTML exportation of statistics, displaying of word's definitions, and so on...

This script uses its own namespace in order not to interfere with other scripts.

Please read the included file lisezmoi.html or don't complain if something goes out of your control. :wink:

Until this script is added to the tcl archive, you can download it here : motus.tcl (v2.1) - september 6th, 2008
Detailed documentation included.

Please leave comments / bug reports here.
Last edited by MenzAgitat on Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:33 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

v1.1 : fixed a bug in the weekly scores erasing procedure.

v1.2 : the mask now shows accented letters

v1.21 : ALL the masks now shows accented letters ><

v1.3 : fixed a bug that freezed the game if the dictionnary site's url did not respond or did timeout. The exception is now correctly managed : a message is sent in the partyline to inform the eggdrop's owner about the problem and the game is no longer freezed.
An option to voice players has been added.
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Post by Julia »

Very very nice Script...
Just a little problème for recognized response with accent... I must skip the word because it doesn't work...

Look this example :

Code: Select all

[05:08] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 12::::|   S I É G _ _   12|::::
[05:09] <10Julia|Fun-Frags> siégée
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 14Le mot SIÉGÉE14 n'existe pas.
[05:09] <10Julia|Fun-Frags> !indice
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 12::::|   S I É G E _   12|::::
[05:09] <10Julia|Fun-Frags> siéger
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 14Le mot SIÉGER14 n'existe pas.
[05:09] <10Julia|Fun-Frags> sieger
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 12::::|  03S 03I E 03G 03E 03R  12|:::|  S I É G E R  12|:::: 132pts
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 14Toutes les lettres sont maintenant placées ! Qui sera le plus rapide ?
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 14Le mot SIÉGER14 n'existe pas.
[05:09] <10Julia|Fun-Frags> !indice
[05:09] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 14Toutes les lettres sont déjà en place.
[05:10] <10Eggy|Fun-Frags> 14Le temps est écoulé, il s'agissait du mot SIÉGER
But very very nice script...
I think a little amerlioration with html export like Trivia.tcl script :

French :
Très très bon script... Enorme base de données... J'ai désactivé la définition qui polluait un tout petit peu le chan...
Dommage pour ce bug d'accent qui freeze un peu le jeu en attendant....

Une exportation html serait la bienvenue :p
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Post by MenzAgitat »

I can't reproduce the bug (I have tried different charsets).

Code: Select all

<MenzAgitat> siéger
<Boole> 14Bravo13 MenzAgitat14, c'était le mot03 SIÉGER14. Tu l'as trouvé en13 35.27714 secondes. Tu gagnes13 1114 points, ce qui te fait un total de13 38114 points. Tu es classé13 5ème14 sur13 1114.

Code: Select all

<GG> siéger
<Boole> 14Bravo13 GG14, c'était le mot03 SIÉGER14. Tu l'as trouvé en13 12.92914 secondes. Tu gagnes13 1314 points, ce qui te fait un total de13 1314 points. Tu es classé13 9ème14 sur13 1214.
Are you using Motus v1.3 ?
What is your eggdrop version ?
Did you download the script using the download link or did you copy/paste the code above ? If so, you should instead download it to ensure you have an unmodified version.
See if you can find the word "sieger" in the file MOTUS2.DAT.

Concerning the html stats, maybe I will do that in the next version, I have planned many enhancements.


version française : Je n'arrive pas à reproduire le bug. (j'ai essayé différents charsets)
Est-ce que tu utilises bien la version 1.3 du script ?
Quelle est la version de ton eggdrop ?
As-tu copié/collé le script ci-dessus ou l'as-tu téléchargé avec le lien ? Essaie de retélécharger en utilisant le lien pour t'assurer que tu as une version non-modifiée.
Vois si tu peux trouver le mot "sieger" dans le fichier MOTUS2.DAT

En ce qui concerne les stats html, peut-être le ferai-je pour la prochaine version, j'ai prévu beaucoup d'améliorations.
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Post by Julia »

Maybe the problem come from my C/C of this code from here because I copy it to nano (dedicated server for run my egg)...
Because I have a charet copy problem... I retry to modify it...

Français :
Ca vient peut-être d'un problème de C/c, j'ai récupéré le code ici en le copiant sous nano puis j'ai renommé tous les bouts de code qui avaient un probl-me de charset... Je referais un test...
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Post by CrazyCat »

Using paste/copy is dangerous, especially when you use accentuated charsets.
Can't you copy the source to your PC and save it in a good format then upload it to your server?
I'd this trouble with my jokes.tcl, depending on the way I edit my file.

(No french version, I wonder everyone understand what I mean)
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Post by MenzAgitat »

It is better to simply download the script using the download link I provide, especially because you will miss the dictionnary files if you don't.
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Post by Julia »

Yes I know, but is fastest...
It's work very well now...

I just "would want" an HTML export :p
I try to mix the trivia.tcl script to do it :p

C'était plus rapide le C/C
Il marche nikel maintenant....

J'aimerais bien une petite exportation html... Je vais tenter de mixer le trivia.tcl script pour
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Post by MenzAgitat »

The fastest way is when it works at first try ;)

I will soon post a new version with many enhancements and at the moment I'm trying to add some html output. Just be patient.


No french version, I'm too lazy :p
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Post by MenzAgitat »

New version available : v1.4   (you can find a link in the first message of this thread)

Changelog for v1.4 :
  • • Better handling of special caracters in nicknames (caracters that may choke tcl interpreter).
    • Better handling for double entries in scores list. If a player owns several scores and the names are identical (which may happen if he plays with a different nick than the one he had before and he changes again for his former nick while the game is playing), the entries and the points are merged. In order to avoid cheating (taking someone else's score), the bot displays a message in the partyline whenever it happens and the host of the player is logged.
    • The command !place now shows the place of the player in the scores AND the total number of scores (eg. : MenzAgitat : 3rd of 18)
    • Handling of a rare case in which the dictionnary website would return something else than the definition.
    • If dictionnary files are missing, an explicit error message tells you that something went wrong.
    • An option to put the game in monochrome mode have been added.
    • An antifreeze system have been added which forces the game to continue if something freeze it (just in case)
I've not yet added HTML exportation because my first priority was to eliminate all bugs first.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

To those who have errors like that with motus.tcl :
bad search mode "-all": must be -exact, -glob, or -regexp
please ensure you are using Tcl v8.4 of newer.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

New version available : v1.5   (you can find a link in the first message of this thread)

Changelog for v1.5 (changelog included with motus.tcl is in french) :
  • • Default scores have been adjusted for a better balance
    • Some hints are given during a round if nobody makes valid propositions for a certain amount of time.
    • Several parameters have been added in the SETTINGS section :
    - you can specify the number of hints you want to be placed since the beginning, and per word length.
    - you can specify the number and the interval between each automatic hint given during a round
    - you can set up the day and the hour for the weekly clearing of scores
    • When you join the chan while a game is running, the bot now announce the number of letters beside the mask of the word.
    • Some bugs have been fixed
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Re: Motus.tcl - french word game (current version : 1.5)

Post by schizosmurf »

MenzAgitat wrote:
English version to come if I manage to get hands on a "list of frequently used english words", I mean words that everyone knows and that can be used to play with.
heres a list only 3000 words, no where close to 13000 ;)
alphabetic order ... words.html
order of most used ... order.html

there is a site that ranks over 86000 english words by order of usage, but there isn't list you can look at or download. you can only search it seems.
maybe if you e-mailed them they might send you a copy or sample of the list. Even the top 1/4 of that list would be over 20000
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Post by MenzAgitat »

I'm already aware of these lists, but see : if you remove all the words that are less than 5 letters long and all those that are more than 8 letters long, how many will remain from the 3000 ?

It will not be enough, I'm looking for a bigger list, but thank you anyway.
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Post by schizosmurf »

yea i figured that... if one could get the list from that last link that has 86000+ then you would definitely have enough
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