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botnetop.tcl asking wrong bots for op

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botnetop.tcl asking wrong bots for op

Post by kib »

I have 58 bots linked together and am using netbots to keep them easily managed. There are 8 irc networks and 7 servers connecting to each for a total of 56 connecting to 2 hub bots that are network neutral.
when I tried to put in place botnetop.tcl I found the bots were asking the wrong bots for op. They woudl ask bots from the wrong network for op rather then asking bots which were on the same network. We use set network "netname" to be sure that each network is uniquely identified but instead the bots are still asking in the wrong place.

Each server in the botnet has 8 bots running which is one bot for each ircnet. They all share a common nick on irc and their botnet name is servername-XX where XX is a short abbreviation for the network name. for instance the server craig on efnet would be craig-EF and on irc it uses the nick chons. on dalnet it would be craig-DL on the botnet and on irc also known as chons.

I need to know how to get botnetop to respect the set network field of the conf file to prevent asking the wrong bots for ops.
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Post by YooHoo »

while I don't have an answer for your question at my fingertips, kib, it might be useful if you would post the variables you have set for botnetop.tcl.
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Post by slennox »

My recollection is that is that the "network" setting was little more than a cosmetic thing.

I'm suspecting the uhosts of your bots are similar and that they may be getting confused over which bots are actually on the channel. Do a .channel #chan on a few of your bots and see if the handles match the bots actually in that channel rather than those on another network. If bots are being misidentified, it might confuse botnetop.tcl, and you need to set more explicit hostmasks in the bots' userfile entries.
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Post by kib »

Well they all have the same host mask if they connect from the same location. Some locations only have one IP we can use in the first place and each location will be making one connection per network.

I guess I just need to hire a tcl coder to write something to query the network setting before a bot decides who to ask ops from or which bot will respond. The network setting will need to be passed with the actual request.
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Post by slennox »

The problem is more fundamental because it's eggdrop itself that is misidentifying the other bots, and such a situation could cause unexpected behaviour with many scripts, and perhaps with some of eggdrop's own functions.

The usual way to deal with multiple bots having the same uhost is to give the bots unique nicks and include the nicks in the hostmasks in each bot's user record (e.g. UniqueNick*!everybot@shares.this.uhost for a bot with nick UniqueNick and altnick UniqueNick2).
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any resolution found?

Post by eggman »


Have you found a resolution? I share the same problem and I've only hit the 32 mark. It seems the first 28 or 29 netbots I .netbot add nick'd seem to be the only ones being asked for ops. As netbot 31 and 32 are on a unique irc network. The user hostmask's are unique for each bot as I'm only running 1 bg per shell.
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Post by slennox »

botnetop operates separately from netbots, so .netbot add doesn't have any effect on botnetop functioning.

If every bot has a unique hostname then the misidentification issue described above may not be the problem. Try going through this procedure:
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