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Error: too many open files

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Error: too many open files

Post by cannot_delete »


I get the following errors all the time:
14/08/07@05:03.21> : couldn't execute "/usr/bin/ncftpput": too many open files
while executing
"exec /usr/bin/ncftpput -V -a -m -f /home/eggdrop/moxquiz/scripts/ftpserver.ftp /logs/timestats/ ~/$webscore"
(procedure "mx_userspeedsave" line 368)
invoked from within
(procedure "moxquiz_pubm" line 656)
invoked from within
"moxquiz_pubm $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5"

14/08/07@05:03.27> : couldn't execute "/usr/bin/ncftpput": too many open files
while executing
"exec /usr/bin/ncftpput -V -a -m -f /home/eggdrop/moxquiz/scripts/ftpserver.ftp / ~/mox.html"
(procedure "mx_html" line 118)
invoked from within
"mx_html $newnick $host $handle $channel"
(procedure "moxquiz_on_nickchanged" line 10)
invoked from within
"moxquiz_on_nickchanged $_stnm1 $_stnm2 $_stnm3 $_stnm4 $_stnm5"

14/08/07@05:05.44> : couldn't execute "/usr/bin/ncftpput": too many open files
while executing
"exec /usr/bin/ncftpput -V -a -m -f /home/eggdrop/moxquiz/scripts/ftpserver.ftp / ~/mox.html"
(procedure "mx_html" line 118)
invoked from within
"mx_html $botnick "" "" $quizconf(quizchannel)"
(procedure "moxquiz_after_part" line 3)
invoked from within

14/08/07@05:05.45> : couldn't execute "/usr/bin/ncftpput": too many open files
while executing
"exec /usr/bin/ncftpput -V -a -m -f /home/eggdrop/moxquiz/scripts/ftpserver.ftp / ~/mox.html"
(procedure "mx_html" line 118)
invoked from within
"mx_html $botnick "" "" $quizconf(quizchannel)"
(procedure "moxquiz_after_part" line 3)
invoked from within


14/08/07@11:10.29> : unknown host.
ncftpput: cannot open unknown host.
while executing
"exec /usr/bin/ncftpput -V -a -m -f /home/eggdrop/moxquiz/scripts/ftpserver.ftp / ~/mox.html"
(procedure "mx_html" line 118)
invoked from within
"mx_html $botnick "" "" $quizconf(quizchannel)"
(procedure "moxquiz_after_part" line 3)
invoked from within
too many open files
The error occurs on random locations in the script. Unfortunately I can't find a file in the script that isn't closed after use. Reducing the files being opened doesn't seem to help. Is there a way to avoid the bot freezing due to this error other than restarting it all the time? unknown host.
this one is probably easier: how can I avoid to send a file to my webspace (per ftp) which ist temporarily down?

I hope my questions aren't too unspecific. If needed, here's the script:

Thanks for your help!

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Post by Sir_Fz »

I had a quick look at the script, it seems to properly close every file it opens. I guess the problem is from the machine hosting your Eggdrop.
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Post by cannot_delete »


I consulted the bot-hoster, who told me the problem lies within the script. Is there a way to convince him of the opposite?
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Post by Alchera »

-typ- wrote:Thanks!

I consulted the bot-hoster, who told me the problem lies within the script. Is there a way to convince him of the opposite?
Unload all scripts; test one by one to see for certain which is the offender.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by cannot_delete »

I know the error lies within:
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Post by nml375 »

I guess one option might be to replace the open and close-commands with a proc featuring some debugging code; ie, rename open to _open, create a proc named open that calls _open, and tries to figure out number of opened files, where it was called from, and such.

Also, remember that sockets also make use of file descriptors, including the http-package..
Not sure this part might be to blame, but might be worth investigating:

Code: Select all

variable newquest ""
package require http
setudef flag weather
set agent "Mozilla/4.75 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17; i586; Nav)"

bind pub - !qread pub_w
bind pub - !qinsert pub_i
bind pub - !qcorrect pub_c

proc pub_w {nick uhand handle chan input} {
    global botnick agent datadir newquest
if {![isop $nick $chan]} {
mxirc_notc $nick "Du musst Op sein, um diese Funktion auszuführen"
mxirc_quick_notc $nick "Neue Fragen werden eingelesen. Sollte der Befehl nicht funktionieren, probier zunächst !rehash."

    set query ""
    set http [::http::config -useragent $agent]
    set http [::http::geturl $query]
    set html [::http::data $http]

 set questtime "[unixtime].txt"
 set fname "$datadir/backup/$questtime"
 set newquest $fname
 set fp [open $fname "a"]

foreach line [split $html "\n"] {
puts $fp $line

close $fp
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Post by cannot_delete »

thx, I'll change my hoster and try that.
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