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Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by Esteban73 »

I possess an eggdrop 1.6.18 on linux ubuntu feisty 7.04. I would need a script tcl of the type!gban that ban automatically the nick or the ip from all the channels of the chat.Then I would want to know if is possible as to eliminate the continuous application to the ops of / msg id password from the eggdrop that doesn't allow to perform the commands!kick!Ban or possible script tcl to eliminate the / msg id password. Thanks.
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Post by iamdeath »

ban user from all channel of chat ? Do you mean from all channels where your bot is? 2nd You want something like login sorta thing from your ops then they should be able to perform, op/kick/ban bla bla right?
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Post by iNFERNiS »

there is a script called op commands that does similar to what you request. It has gban and doesn't require identing. It's in the tcl archive.
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Post by Esteban73 »

I would want to send out the nick or ip from all the channels of the chat where I have my bot! Thanks

Ps I have tried the tcl gban of the archive but it doesn't work
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

I would want to send out the nick or ip from all the channels of the chat where I have my bot! Thanks
You want the bot to "report" who its baning the nick!ident@hostmask.tld type of thing. i.e <@bot> Banning IP with reason invalid ip! for 13 minutes. -- like that sort of thing?
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Post by Esteban73 »

I have resolved the identification of the op in the config of the eggdrop. I would now have need of the one command that ban a nick or ip on all the channels of the chat where the bot is present, The gban in archive tcl I have tried him but it doesn't work. Thanks
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Post by Alchera »

Esteban73 wrote: The gban in archive tcl I have tried him but it doesn't work. Thanks
Possibly a more detailed explanation?
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Esteban73 »

I have need of a command that me ban a nick in all the rooms of the chat where the bot is present.The command !gban < nick > < time > < reason > it doesn't work. I would want a command worked. Thanks
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Post by smash »

banlist.tcl [v3.0] - Improved global bans(download)This script adds an enhanced global ban management to your bot. You can add PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) aswell as CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) bans, which are either permanent or expire after a specified period. ... anlist.tcl
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