Is there any way to convert a mIRC log to eggdrop log?
I used to use mIRC for logging for pisg, but recently moved the logging to my eggdrop, and would really hope that there was a way to use my log from my mirc in my eggdrop, or else i'll loose alot of logging.
Is this possible?
I hope I made sense.
*EDIT* Okay, I didn't look for this good enough, in the pisg folder:
pisg/scripts I found this:
I never seen the .sed format before, but after looking inside the file, it appears that it can convert log files, however, im pretty sure this is a non-windows file, where as I am running windrop, I guess I can't do much with this script, or am I wrong?
Please advice.
Okay I found a way, as follows:
I read up in the mirc2egg.sed file, tried using .sed but windows does not recognize this format, so, I found this:
and grabbed:
installed it, and went into the folder where sed.exe was installed
added my to log files mirc.log and eggdrop.log
ran this command from commandprompt within the folder:
sed.exe -f mirc2egg.sed > channel.log
and there you have it, mirc.log converted to eggdrop.log
Thanks goes to skiidoo for providing link to gnuwin.
This is solved.