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Kick users after a certain amount of time spent in the chan

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Kick users after a certain amount of time spent in the chan

Post by qetuoadgjl »

Okay I know there are a few aidle on here already, but none of them are exactly what I'm looking for!

Okay so, we need a maximum stay tcl, which will kick users say after 15 minutes or however many minutes we specify as we run a help channel and don't want a bunch of idlers in the room. we need an option to make it channel specific as we have alot of bots running in various rooms. Also, we don't want it kicking our ops or voices etc just people with no voice, no half ops, no ops soone. and if it could notice the user 5 minutes before they will be kicked warning them, that would be good, but no crucial! lol

ty all
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

.chanset <#channel> +idlekick
.chanset <#channel> idlekick-time <time(minets)>

Code: Select all

# time in minets to check channels for idlers? (default: 10)
set idlekick_checktime "10"

# set your IRCd's kick length below (default: 150)
#  -- note, some networks all 255. but 150 should be safe :)
set idlekick_kicklength "150"

# set the kick message
set idlekick_kickmsg "idle lamer"

# Set the warn message
set idlekick_warnmsg "how lame are you? Mr I idle in a help channel"

# warn the user a minet before the set idle time for the channel?
#  -- this should allow you to inform the user better, that they will be kicked in a minet if they contine to idle. ;p
# 1/0 = yes/no
set idlekick_loseit "1"

# Punishments
# 1 = kick the user.
# 2 = kick and ban the user.
# 3 = warn and kick the user.
# 4 = warn, kick and ban the user.
# 5 = warn the user.
set idlekick_punish "4"

# code
proc time:idlekick {minuet hour day month year} {
global idlekick_loseit idlekick_punish
 foreach channel [channels] {
  if {[channel get $channel idlekick] == "+" && [botisop $channel]} {
   foreach iu [chanlist $channel] {
    if {![isbotnick $iu] && [onchan $iu $channel] && ![isop $iu $channel] && ![ishalfop $iu $channel] && ![isvoice $iu $channel]} {
     if {$idlekick_loseit == 1 && [expr [channel get $channel idlekick-time] -1] == [getchanidle $iu $channel]} {
      switch $idlekick_punish {
       "1" {idle:kick "$channel $iu"}
       "2" {idle:kickban "$channel $iu"}
       "3" {idle:warnkick "$channel $iu"}
       "4" {idle:warnkickban "$channel $iu"}
       "5" {idle:warn "$channel $iu"}
     if {$idlekick_loseit == 0 && [channel get $channel idlekick-time] == [getchanidle $iu $channel]} {
      switch $idlekick_punish {
       "1" {idle:kick "$channel $iu"}
       "2" {idle:kickban "$channel $iu"}
       "3" {idle:warnkick "$channel $iu"}
       "4" {idle:warnkickban "$channel $iu"}
       "5" {idle:warn "$channel $iu"}
 }; return

proc idle:kick {text} {
global idlekick_kickmsg idlekick_kicklength
 set chan [lindex [split $text] 0]
  set nick [lindex [split $text] 1]
   if {[onchan $nick $chan] && [botisop $chan]} {
    putserv "KICK $chan $nick :[trimchars "$idlekick_kickmsg  $idlekick_kicklength"]"
   }; return

proc idle:kickban {text} {
global idlekick_kickmsg idlekick_kicklength
 set chan [lindex [split $text] 0]
  set nick [lindex [split $text] 1]
   if {[onchan $nick $chan] && [botisop $chan]} {
    putserv "MODE $chan +b "*!*@[lindex [split [getchanhost $nick] "@"] 1]"    
    putserv "KICK $chan $nick :[trimchars "$idlekick_kickmsg  $idlekick_kicklength"]"
   }; return

proc idle:warnkick {text} {
global idlekick_loseit
 idle:warn "$text"
  if {$idlekick_loseit == 1} {
   utimer 54 {idle:kick "$text"}
  } else {
   idle:kick "$text"
  }; return

proc idle:warnkickban {text} {
global idlekick_loseit
 idle:warn "$text"
  if {$idlekick_loseit == 1} {
   utimer 54 {idle:kickban "$text"}
  } else {
   idle:kickban "$text"
  }; return

proc idle:warn {text} {
global idlekick_warnmsg
 set chan [lindex [split $text] 0]
  set nick [lindex [split $text] 1]
   if {[onchan $nick $chan]} {
    puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$idlekick_warnmsg"
   }; return

proc trimchars {text} {
 set chars [lrange "$text" 0 [expr [llength "$text"] -1]]
  set trim [lrange "$text" end end]
   return [join [lrange "[split "$chars" {}]" 0 $trim] {}]

# channel options
setudef flag idlekick
setudef str idlekick-time

# binds
bind time - "$idlekick_checktime * * * *" time:idlekick

putlog "loaded idlekick.tcl version 1.1 by TCL_no_TK"
Not tested, and sorry for spelling/grammer mistakes :oops:

P.S Just FYI, MC_8's idle script should be able to do this. linkage: ... f=32&t=697

EDIT: fixed erorr mentioned in post below. :D Thanks
EDIT [2]: fixed error, extra '}' in one of idle: procs
EDIT [3]: switched kickban, to ban first.
Last edited by TCL_no_TK on Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by speechles »

Code: Select all

putserv "KICK $chan $nick :[trimchars $idlekick_kickmsg  $idlekick_kicklength]" 
...snipped irrelevant sections...
proc trimchars {text} {
Do you see the problem here? Your incorrectly invoking trimchars with too many parameters.

Code: Select all

putserv "KICK $chan $nick :[trimchars "$idlekick_kickmsg  $idlekick_kicklength"]"
This is how you should do it. Notice trimchars see's a single parameter built with two variables now, not two seperate parameters. You also don't need to worry about the tcl interpreter evaluating those double-quotes incorrectly either. Because of how tcl works, by the time the putserv is invoked (the 1st set of double-quotes), the trimchars section will have already been evaluated (the 2nd set of double-quotes). Escaping any of them will lead to a tcl error, above is correct.
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

Thanks :) glad its nothin to worry about :P
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Post by iamdeath »


You should release that script, it will be useful for others in future if anyone needs something like that. Will definately benefit others. :)

Just a friendly suggestion
|AmDeAtH @ Undernet
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

Submitted :) Thanks 8)
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Post by Fahad »

This TCL is not working... At ALL
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Post by Fahad »

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# idlekick.tcl version 1.1.1 by TCL_no_TK <>
# this script was written for user qetuoadgjl on forums
#   Post:
# Kicks users after a set about of idle time, configurable via dcc chanset command.
# Ability to warn users before kicking and banning them, and other punishment options.
# Usage:
# .chanset <#channel> +idlekick
# .chanset <#channel> idlekick-time <time(minets)>

# time in minets to check channels for idlers? (default: 10)
set idlekick_checktime "2"

# set your IRCd's kick length below (default: 150)
#  -- note, some networks all 255. but 150 should be safe :)
set idlekick_kicklength "10"

# set the kick message
set idlekick_kickmsg "3Idling is 4NOT4 3allowed"

# Set the warn message
set idlekick_warnmsg "3Ask your 4QUESTION "

# warn the user a minet before the set idle time for the channel?
#  -- this should allow you to inform the user better, that they will be kicked in a minet if they contine to idle. ;p
# 1/0 = yes/no
set idlekick_loseit "1"

# Punishment Options
# 1 = kick the user.
# 2 = kick and ban the user.
# 3 = warn and kick the user.
# 4 = warn, kick and ban the user.
# 5 = warn the user.
set idlekick_punish "3"

proc time:idlekick {minuet hour day month year} {
global idlekick_loseit idlekick_punish
 foreach channel [channels] {
  if {[channel get $channel idlekick] == "+" && [botisop $channel]} {
   foreach iu [chanlist $channel] {
    if {![isbotnick $iu] && [onchan $iu $channel] && ![isop $iu $channel] && ![ishalfop $iu $channel] && ![isvoice $iu $channel]} {
     if {$idlekick_loseit == 1 && [expr [channel get $channel idlekick-time] -1] == [getchanidle $iu $channel]} {
      switch $idlekick_punish {
       "1" {idle:kick "$channel $iu"}
       "2" {idle:kickban "$channel $iu"}
       "3" {idle:warnkick "$channel $iu"}
       "4" {idle:warnkickban "$channel $iu"}
       "5" {idle:warn "$channel $iu"}
     if {$idlekick_loseit == 0 && [channel get $channel idlekick-time] == [getchanidle $iu $channel]} {
      switch $idlekick_punish {
       "1" {idle:kick "$channel $iu"}
       "2" {idle:kickban "$channel $iu"}
       "3" {idle:warnkick "$channel $iu"}
       "4" {idle:warnkickban "$channel $iu"}
       "5" {idle:warn "$channel $iu"}
 }; return

proc idle:kick {text} {
global idlekick_kickmsg idlekick_kicklength
 set chan [lindex [split $text] 0]
  set nick [lindex [split $text] 1]
   if {[onchan $nick $chan] && [botisop $chan]} {
    putserv "KICK $chan $nick :[trimchars "$idlekick_kickmsg  $idlekick_kicklength"]"
   }; return

proc idle:kickban {text} {
global idlekick_kickmsg idlekick_kicklength
 set chan [lindex [split $text] 0]
  set nick [lindex [split $text] 1]
   if {[onchan $nick $chan] && [botisop $chan]} {
    putserv "MODE $chan +b "*!*@[lindex [split [getchanhost $nick] "@"] 1]"
     putserv "KICK $chan $nick :[trimchars "$idlekick_kickmsg  $idlekick_kicklength"]"
   }; return

proc idle:warnkick {text} {
global idlekick_loseit
 idle:warn "$text"
  if {$idlekick_loseit == 1} {
   utimer 54 {idle:kick "$text"}
  } else {
   idle:kick "$text"
  }; return

proc idle:warnkickban {text} {
global idlekick_loseit
 idle:warn "$text"
  if {$idlekick_loseit == 1} {
   utimer 54 {idle:kickban "$text"}
  } else {
   idle:kickban "$text"
  }; return

proc idle:warn {text} {
global idlekick_warnmsg
 set chan [lindex [split $text] 0]
  set nick [lindex [split $text] 1]
   if {[onchan $nick $chan]} {
    puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$idlekick_warnmsg"
   }; return

proc trimchars {text} {
 set chars [lrange "$text" 0 [expr [llength "$text"] -1]]
  set trim [lrange "$text" end end]
   return [join [lrange "[split "$chars" {}]" 0 $trim] {}]

#channel options
setudef flag idlekick
setudef str idlekick-time

bind time - "$idlekick_checktime * * * *" time:idlekick

putlog "loaded idlekick.tcl version 1.1.1 by TCL_no_TK"
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Post by Fahad »

TCL_no_TK wrote:Submitted :) Thanks 8)
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Post by ComputerTech »

Sorry, I know this is a old post but i kind of want to make it (finished)

this script seems to work for me :D

to turn on this is script as TCL_no_TK said
.chanset <#channel> +idlekick
.chanset <#channel> idlekick-time <time(minets)>
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Post by Yusif »

can someone please help to add to this tcl warn-message on user join that he/she have only 15 minutes to idle in the channel and work for #Help
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Post by simo »

Yusif wrote:can someone please help to add to this tcl warn-message on user join that he/she have only 15 minutes to idle in the channel and work for #Help
How about adding that in the channel topic for everyone to see on join?
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Post by CrazyCat »

You can simply add:

Code: Select all

bind join - "#help *" idknotice
proc idknotice {nick uhost handle chan} {
   putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :You'll be kicked after [channel get $chan idlekick-time] minutes"
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Post by Yusif »

Thank you CC .. worked fine

Code: Select all

bind join - "#help *" idknotice
proc idknotice {nick uhost handle chan} {
   putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :You'll be kicked after [channel get $chan idlekick-time] minutes"
but the :

Code: Select all

[channel get $chan idlekick-time]
not get time from idlekick-time the msg come out like:

Code: Select all

You'll be kicked after minutes  <=  no time there 

thanks again
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Post by Yusif »

worked now .. changed it to :

Code: Select all

\002[channel get $chan idlekick-checktime]\002
but another issue, it not send warn-msg 2minutes before times up nor kick when 15 minutes ebd
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