Code: Select all
; Instructions:
; 1. Place this script in your mIRC directory.
; 2. In mIRC, type /load -rs botlogin.mrc
; 3. On the main menubar, select 'Commands' > 'Bot Login' > 'Add Account'
; and enter the following information when prompted:
; Account name (e.g. '#FarmChat Bots')
; Your handle (e.g. 'Farmer')
; Your password (e.g. 'pigsmightfly')
; A list of bots (e.g. 'Windmill CowBot Rooster')
; 4. Test it out by right clicking on a bot in the nickname list and
; selecting 'DCC Login' or 'Telnet Login'. There are also some popups
; accessible under 'Bot Login' in DCC chat windows.
; 5. If you wish to remove this script, type /unload -rs botlogin.mrc and
; delete botlogin.ini (if it exists) in your mIRC folder.
; The script will only send your nickname or password if you initiate the
; login using the 'DCC Login' or 'Telnet Login' commands, and only if the
; bot responds within 60 seconds. To minimise maintenance, there is no
; hostmask-based checking, but the nick-based system should be fine as long
; you're careful not to login to an imposter (as you probably are whether
; you use this script or not).
; Original script from slennox
; Message command popups added by DragnLord
;"Notes" requires notes2.tcl to be loaded
;"Auth" command is for people using the toolz.tcl script
alias getinfo {
var %i = 1
var %acctdots
var %botlist
while ($ini(botlogin.ini,%i) != $null) {
%acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,%i)
%botlist = $readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,botlist)
if ((%botlist != $null) && $istokcs(%botlist,$$1,32)) {
if ($$2 == acctnum) return %i
else return $readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,$$2)
inc %i
alias converttok {
var %old = $$1
var %new
while (%old != $null) {
%new = $addtok(%new,$gettok(%old,1,$$2),$$3)
%old = $deltok(%old,1,$$2)
return %new
alias menubar_addacct {
var %acctname = $input(Enter a name for the new account.,1,Add Account)
if (%acctname == $null) return $input(Cancelled addition of new account.,4,Add Account)
var %acctdots = $converttok(%acctname,32,46)
if (($ini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots) != $null) && ($ini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots) != 0)) return $input(Account ' $+ %acctname $+ ' already exists.,4,Add Account)
var %accthand = $input(Account: $chr(160) $+ %acctname $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Enter a handle for this account.,1,Add Account)
if (%accthand == $null) return $input(Cancelled addition of new account.,4,Add Account)
var %acctpass = $input(Account: $chr(160) $+ %acctname $+ $crlf $+ Handle: $chr(160) $+ %accthand $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Enter a password for this account.,1,Add Account)
if (%acctpass == $null) return $input(Cancelled addition of new account.,4,Add Account)
var %acctbots = $input(Account: $chr(160) $+ %acctname $+ $crlf $+ Handle: $chr(160) $+ %accthand $+ $crlf $+ Password: $chr(160) $+ %acctpass $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Enter a list of bots (case sensitive, separate with spaces) for this account. You may leave this empty if you'd prefer to add bots directly from the nick list.,1,Add Account)
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots handle %accthand
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots password %acctpass
if (%acctbots != $null) {
%acctbots = $sorttok(%acctbots,32)
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots botlist %acctbots
else %acctbots = (no bots added)
return $input(Account addition completed. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Account: $chr(160) $+ %acctname $crlf Handle: $chr(160) $+ %accthand $+ $crlf $+ Password: $chr(160) $+ %acctpass $+ $crlf $+ Bots: $chr(160) $+ %acctbots,4,Add Account)
alias menubar_delacct {
if ($1 == begin) return
if ($1 == end) return
return $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ :delacct $1
alias delacct {
var %delacct = $input(Delete account ' $+ $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ '?,8,Delete Account)
if (%delacct == $null) return
remini botlogin.ini $ini(botlogin.ini,$1)
alias menubar_chghand {
if ($1 == begin) return
if ($1 == end) return
return $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ :chghand $1
alias chghand {
var %acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,$1)
var %accthand = $input(Enter a handle for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '.,1,Change Handle,$readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,handle))
if (%accthand == $null) return
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots handle %accthand
alias menubar_chgpass {
if ($1 == begin) return
if ($1 == end) return
return $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ :chgpass $1
alias chgpass {
var %acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,$1)
var %acctpass = $input(Enter a password for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '.,1,Change Password,$readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,password))
if (%acctpass == $null) return
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots password %acctpass
alias menubar_editbot {
if ($1 == begin) return
if ($1 == end) return
return $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ :editbot $1
alias editbot {
var %acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,$1)
var %acctbots = $input(Enter a list of bots (case sensitive, separated by spaces) for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '.,1,Edit Bot List,$readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,botlist))
if (%acctbots == $null) return
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots botlist $sorttok(%acctbots,32)
alias nicklistmenu_addbot {
if ($1 == begin) return
if ($1 == end) return
return $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ :nicklist_addbot $1
alias nicklist_addbot {
var %acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,$1)
var %acctbots = $readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,botlist)
var %i = 1
var %addbot
var %addbots
while ($snick(#,%i) != $null) {
%addbot = $snick(#,%i)
if ($findtokcs(%acctbots,%addbot,1,32) == $null) {
%addbots = $addtok(%addbots,%addbot,32)
inc %i
if (%addbots == $null) return $input(All selected nicks are already in bot list for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '.,4,Edit Bot List)
%acctbots = $input(Enter a list of bots (separated by spaces) for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '.,1,Edit Bot List,%acctbots %addbots)
if (%acctbots == $null) return
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots botlist $sorttok(%acctbots,32)
alias query_chgpass {
if ($getinfo($nick,handle) == $null) return $input(Nickname ' $+ $nick $+ ' does not exist in the bot list for any account.,4,Change Password)
var %acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,$getinfo($nick,acctnum))
var %acctpass = $input(Enter a password for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ This will also send a .newpass to the bot.,1,Change Password,$readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,password))
if (%acctpass == $null) return
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots password %acctpass
msg =$nick .newpass %acctpass
alias querymenu_addbot {
if ($1 == begin) return
if ($1 == end) return
return $converttok($ini(botlogin.ini,$1),46,32) $+ :query_addbot $1
alias query_addbot {
var %acctdots = $ini(botlogin.ini,$1)
var %acctbots = $readini(botlogin.ini,%acctdots,botlist)
%acctbots = $input(Enter a list of bots (separated by spaces) for account ' $+ $converttok(%acctdots,46,32) $+ '.,1,Edit Bot List,%acctbots $gettok($active,1-,61))
if (%acctbots == $null) return
writeini botlogin.ini %acctdots botlist $sorttok(%acctbots,32)
alias sendlogin {
var %i = 1
var %l
while $var(%sendlogin.*,%i) != $null {
if (($remove($var(%sendlogin.*,%i),$chr(37) $+ sendlogin.) == $nick) && ($getinfo($nick,$$1) != $null)) {
msg =$nick $getinfo($nick,$$1)
if ($$1 == password) unset %sendlogin. $+ $nick
inc %i
alias login {
var %nicks = $1
var %nick
while (%nicks != $null) {
%nick = $gettok(%nicks,1,44)
if ($getinfo(%nick,handle) == $null) {
echo -e # Nickname ' $+ %nick $+ ' does not exist in the bot list for any account.
else {
set -u60 %sendlogin. $+ %nick
if ($2 == dcc) dcc chat %nick
elseif ($2 == telnet) ctcp %nick CHAT
%nicks = $deltok(%nicks,1,44)
alias botmsg {
var %nicks = $1
var %nick
while (%nicks != $null) {
%nick = $gettok(%nicks,1,44)
if ($getinfo(%nick,handle) == $null) {
echo -e # Nickname ' $+ %nick $+ ' does not exist in the bot list for any account.
else {
.msg %nick $2 $getinfo(%nick ,password) $3-
%nicks = $deltok(%nicks,1,44)
alias ident {
var %identcmd = $input(Enter the ident command for this bot. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ The default for eggdrop is 'ident' $+ $chr(44) but some bot admins change this $+ $chr(44) so check with them if you're unsure.,1,Ident,ident)
if (%identcmd != $null) {
msg $$1 %identcmd $getinfo($$1,password) $getinfo($$1,handle)
alias shosts {
$input(Hostmasks for selected nicks. $address($snicks,1),o,Hostmasks)
menu menubar {
.Add Account:menubar_addacct
.Delete Account
.Change Handle
.Change Password
.Edit Bot List
menu nicklist {
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) != $null),Auth):botmsg $snicks auth
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) != $null),Ops)
..$iif((% isin $prefix),Halfop)
...Channel:botmsg $snicks halfop $chan
...Global:botmsg $snicks halfop
..$iif((@ isin $prefix),Op)
...Channel:botmsg $snicks op $chan
...Global:botmsg $snicks op
..$iif((+ isin $prefix),Voice)
...Channel:botmsg $snicks voice $chan
...Global:botmsg $snicks voice
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) != $null),Msg Cmds)
..Addhost:botmsg $snicks addhost $?="enter hostmask to add $crlf example: *!*"
..Addmask:botmsg $snicks addmask
..Die:botmsg $snicks die $?="enter optional quit message"
..Go:.msg $snicks go $chan
..Help:.msg $snicks help $?="enter command to get help on."
..$iif((($numtok($snicks,44) != 1) || $getinfo($1,handle) == $null),$style(2)) Ident:ident $1
...Default:botmsg $snicks info $?="enter default info line"
...Channel:botmsg $snicks info $chan $?="enter info line"
..Invite:botmsg $snicks invite $?="channel name"
..Jump:botmsg $snicks jump $?="enter server to jump to (optional)"
..Key:botmsg $snicks key $?="channel name"
..Memory:botmsg $snicks memory
...Erase:botmsg $snicks notes erase $?="enter number to erase or 'all'"
...Index:botmsg $snicks notes index
...Read:botmsg $snicks notes read $?="enter number to read or 'all'"
...Send:botmsg $snicks notes to $?="enter handle to send to" $?="enter message to send"
..Rehash:botmsg $snicks rehash
..Reset:botmsg $snicks reset
..Save:botmsg $snicks save
..Status:botmsg $snicks status
..Who:.msg $snicks who $?="channel name"
..Whois:.msg $snicks whois $?="enter handle (nickname on bot)"
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) != $null),Login)
..DCC Login:login $snicks dcc
..Telnet Login:login $snicks telnet
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) == $null),Add to Bot List)
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) != $null),Custom)
..w/ pass:botmsg $1 $?="enter command"
..w/o pass:.msg $1 $?="enter command"
menu query {
..Set max bans:say .nettcl set sl_bfmaxbans $?="enter maximum number of bans in banlist before locking channel"
...Set new global ban: .nettcl newban $?="enter hostmask for this ban"
...Remove global ban:.nettcl killban $?="enter hostmask of ban to remove"
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) != $null) && ($chat($1).status != active),Login)
..DCC Login:login $1 dcc
..Telnet Login:login $1 telnet
.$iif((($chat($1).status == active) || $getinfo($1,handle) == $null),Logout):.msg = $+ $1 .quit
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) == $null),$style(2)) Ident:ident $1
.$iif((($chat($1).status != active) || $getinfo($1,handle) == $null),$style(2)) Change Password:query_chgpass
.$iif((($chat($1).status != active) || $getinfo($1,handle) == $null),$style(2)) Shell Cmd:{ .msg = $+ $1 .tcl exec $?="enter command to run" }
.$iif(($getinfo($1,handle) == $null),Add to Bot List)
on *:CHAT:Please enter your nickname.:sendlogin handle
on *:CHAT:Nickname.:sendlogin handle
on *:CHAT:Enter your password.*:sendlogin password
on *:CHAT:SSH-1.99-OpenSSH*:sendlogin handle
on *:CHAT:CHALLENGE*:sendlogin password
on *:CHAT:-=[Contagious]=- Personal password*:sendlogin password