doc/tcl-commands.doc wrote:putlog <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, marked as 'misc' (o)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
putcmdlog <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, marked as 'command' (c)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
putxferlog <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, marked as 'file-area' (x)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
putloglev <level(s)> <channel> <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, tagged with all of the
valid levels given. Use "*" to indicate all log levels.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
set filename "/home/user/eggdrop/BOTNAME-[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"].log"
set fID [open $filename "WRONLY CREAT APPEND"]
puts $fID "Some textline"
close $fID
Edit: Forgot to open the file in append-mode, fixed now