I've browsed through quite a few pages of the tcl database and have yet to find one that does what I need. I'm looking for a script that sends bulletins as notices when a user joins a channel. There are many similiar ones in the database, but I'm looking for one that uses !add/!del commands to add or delete the bulletin messages. This was a script used in a radio station staff channel. The radio station has long since been shutdown (stupid RIAA/CRB) but I'm creating a similiar setup, but can't contact the previous IRC owner to ask about the script.
To clarify on the operation of the script, when you use !add <insert text> in a channel with the bot, the bot will respond with something like "added msg 1". Now, when someone joins the channel, the bot notices them with this bulletin. When you use !add again, it adds another one, but the bot responds "added msg 2" or something like that. Now when you join, you get two notices, msg 1, then msg 2. And so on. !del works by using the number assignments. !del 1 of course deletes the first message. Here, I'm not sure if msg 2 moves to 1 or stays 2. Also, I'm not sure if another !add replaces the empty spot at 1 or makes a 3.
This is as much as I know about how the script worked. Until I can somehow contact the IRC owner of that radio station (MMORadio if anyone's heard of it), I can't do anything but google or ask around. Thank you for your help.