.chanset #yourchan flood-chan 0:0 to control channel msg flood behavior. flood-kick is for a flood of kicks...
eggdrop.conf wrote:# flood-kick 3:10
# Set here how many kicks in how many seconds from one host constitutes
# a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables kick flood protection for
# the channel.
# flood-chan 10:60
# Set here how many channel messages in how many seconds from one
# host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables
# flood protection for the channel.
And if the bot is removing the key, you must have
.chanset #yourchan chanmode +nt-k or something similar. To fix it simply type
.chanset #yourchan chanmode -im+nt. Make sure you do this during partyline chat with your bot. The static channel settings within eggdrop.conf ONLY apply for the first iteration of the bots life, when you first created it and started it up. All changes after this must be done on the partyline. If you edit the eggdrop.conf channel settings and .rehash/.restart expecting a change you won't see any, they will have no effect...
# Add each static channel you want your bot to sit in using the following
# command. There are many different possible settings you can insert into
# this command, which are explained below.
# channel add #lamest {
# chanmode "+nt-likm"
If you followed that example, this is your problem. You cannot afterwards edit the eggdrop.conf section and remove that k. You must use the partyline and use the
.chanset #yourchan chanmode method mentioned above.