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Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:51 am


Post by romain »


In the file with more lines
[00:17] <test> [05joueur1] :: [game1] [point]
[00:17] <test> [03Joueur2] :: [game2] [point]
[00:18] <test> |[06totaljoueur] :: [totalgame] [totalpoint]
How to write only the line with "totaljoueur" for have this result

|[06totaljoueur] :: [totalgame] [totalpoint]
thx for help
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:22 am

Post by game_over »

you have to know where is the word


word word word word
word word word word
word1 word word word

i search where in my file i have word1

Code: Select all

set hcs [open $file r]; set scorefile [split [read $hcs] "\n"]; close $hcs
    foreach newscore $scorefile {
		       if {[lindex $newscore 0] == "word1"} {
			     set scoreall $newscore; # scoreall is my total line :)
 unset scorefile
 putlog "total: [lindex $scoreall 1] [lindex $scoreall 2]"
if i whant to sum all resalts and write total under all scores

Code: Select all

set scoreall1 0; scoreall2 0
set hcs [open $file r]; set scorefile [split [read $hcs] "\n"]; close $hcs
    foreach newscore $scorefile {
		       if {[lindex $newscore 0] != "totaljoueur" || [lindex $newscore 0] != ""} {
			     set scoreall1 [expr [lindex $newscore 1] + $scoreall1]
                             set scoreall2 [expr [lindex $newscore 2] + $scoreall2]
    set writedata [open $file w]
	       foreach newdata $scorefile {
      if {[lindex $newdata 0] != "totaljoueur"} {
            puts $writedata "$newdata"
         } elseif {[lindex $newdata 0] != ""} {
            puts $writedata "totaljoueur $scoreall1 $scoreall2"
  flush $writedata; close $writedata; unset scorefile
when script resum all set new total line under and remove old
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