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modify to make it relay

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Posts: 71
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:51 am

modify to make it relay

Post by gamble27 »

Code: Select all

# $Id: spamdetect.tcl, eggdrop-1.6.x 2004/5 Exp $

# Begin - Channel Spam Bot Detector Script v4.58.ab (spamdetect.tcl)
#	Script Version: v4.58.ab
#	Built Date: 24 September 2003, Last Updated: 18 June 2004
#	Copyright © 1999-2004 awyeah (
#	TCL script was designed to use with eggdrop v1.5.x or higher

# Please *READ* the README.HTML file included in this script package.
# It will guide you through the script setup procedure and instructions.
# Copyright © 1999-2004 awyeah All Rights Reserved
# [Module 1: spamdetect.tcl]

### Start editing variables from here! ###


#Set channel(s) on which you want to active on. Multiple channels are supported now.
#USAGE: "#chan1 #chan2 #chan3 #mychan #yourchan" (Both of your bots should be on these channels)
#If you have multiple channels, then the channels mentioned in both scripts on both bots should 
#resemble each other, i.e. they should all match each other and none should be missing in either script.
#(If you don't have multiple channels to run this script on, you can set one default channel as well)
set cyclechans "#jakarta"

#Set nick of your oped bot, the one which you will set in your other script when editing.
#USAGE: Set the nick of the bot in which you will set the other spamkick.tcl script in
#(This nick can only be one bot! not more than one!)
set spamopbot "heythere"


#I suggest you change these PINS to any random PINS you would like. Keeping these default settings 
#is not recommended. (Remember not to enter any special characters such as ascii codes and etc only 
#alphabets and numbers)

#Set a random authorization PIN1. PIN1 must be same as the PIN1 you will enter afterwards in your 
#spamkick.tcl (This is a case-sensitive setting)
set spamauthone "L"

#Set a random authorization PIN2. PIN2 must be same as the PIN2 you will enter afterwards in your 
#spamkick.tcl (This is a case-sensitive setting)
set spamauthtwo "ES"

#Set a random authorization PIN3. PIN3 must be same as the PIN3 you will enter afterwards in your 
#spamkick.tcl (This is a case-sensitive setting)
set spamauththree "O"


#How many minutes should the bot idle in channel before it parts for a cycle. (mins)
#USAGE: Use a range of: '8 - 30 mins' when setting this. (Don't use below than 5 as the bot will
#be under stress on a big channel and to keeping it more than 30 will make it detect less spammers)
set spamcycleidle "10"

#How many seconds should the bot stay gone from the channel in the cycle before it rejoins the channel. (secs)
#USAGE: Use a range of: '90 - 300 secs' when setting this. (Don't use a less setting than 60 as it might cause 
#join part floods on idler/silent channels and keeping it more than 300 will make it detect less spammers)
set spamcyclegone "120"


#Set the spam detecting words. If any of these words are matched against a message in the private query
#or notice by a user then that user will be declared as a spammer and would be kicked/banned out of the 
#channel. (Note: The words I have currently set should be sufficient to catch almost any spammer)
#USAGE: Add words which spammers mostly use when spamming (wildcards such as "*" are accepted)
set spamwords {
"*# *" 
"#* #*"
"#* #* #*"
"#* * #* *"
"#* * #* * #* *"
"*join #*"
"*join * #*"
"*/join #*"
"*/join * #*"
"*/j #*"
"*/j* #*"
"*/j* * #*"
"go to*"
"come to*"
"*go * #*"
"*to #*"
"*come *#*"
"come to #*"
"come to* #*"
"come #*"
"come /j*"
"come /join*"
"come /join #*"
"come *join #*"
"visit #*"
"visit* #*"
"goto #*"
"goto* www.*"
"goto* #*"
"go to #*"
"go to* #*"
"try #*"
"try* #*"


#Set random replies here for the bot's first message to check if the user is a spammer.
#USAGE: Add words such as: "hi", "hello", "hey!" etc. (The ones I have currently added 
#should already be sufficient enough)
set spamfirstmsg {
  "y0!! :)"
  "hey man"
  "hey dude :p"
  "hey hey! :)"
  "ho ho ho! :))"
  "look whos here!! :)"
  "yo yo man"
  "hey its you! :x"
  "hi hi!"
  "hey its u!"
  "hiya baby :P"
  "yes, hieeeee!"
  "yes, hieeee! :x"
  "hello babeh :)"
  "hello baby!"
  "yes, hi"
  "haloooo baby"
  "same to u :D"
  "same to ya"
  "yes, hello!"
  "who is you??!"

#Set random words here for the bot's second message to check if the user is a spammer. 
#USAGE: Add words such as: "how are u", "whats up?", "asl plz" etc. (The ones I have currently 
#added should already be sufficient enough)
set spamsecondmsg {
  "whats up?!"
  "whats cookin'?"
  "whatcha up to? :))"
  "hey! hows ya??"
  "hows ya!?"
  "hows ya?, mate!"
  "how r u"
  "how are you doing?"
  "how r u?"
  "howdie? :x"
  "howdie? mate!"
  "hows ya doin?"
  "hows ur gf doing?"
  "hows you doin?"
  "whats cookin' mack!? :p"
  "how how, how are you brown cow?"
  "whats your name?!"
  "what have ya been upto? eh?"
  "how are you?"
  "where ya from!?"
  "hows ya been doin? :)"
  "what do ya do??!"
  "whats ur name?"
  "whats ya name? :/"
  "where do you live?"
  "where are you from?!"
  "how old are ?"
  "how old r u?"
  "a/s/l? plz"
  "are u m/f?"
  "m or f?"
  "male or female?"
  "asl plz"
  "asl please :)"
  "how r u doing?"
  "how r you?"
  "how are u?"
  "a/s/l please!"
  "how have u been? :D"
  "where did u go?"
  "where did you go?"
  "what do you do?"
  "what do u do?!"
  "how can i help you?!"
  "what do you need?"
  "what do ya want!"
  "what do you want?"
  "do you know me?!"
  "do i know you?"
  "do u know me?"
  "do i know u? hmm"
  "have we talked before?!"
  "have we met before?"

#Set the time in seconds after which a user messages the bot so the bot would reply with its 
#first random talk message to the user to check if that user is a spammer or not.
#USAGE: Use a range of: '30 - 90' secs when setting this
set spamfirstmsgtime "60"

#Set the time in seconds when the the bot will message second random talk message to the user, 
#after it has messaged the first random message to check if the user is a spammer or not.
#USAGE: Use a range of: '100 - 250' secs when setting this
set spamsecondmsgtime "120"


#Set this to the list of exempted nicks, which you would like the bot to ignore and wouldn't
#want to check these nicks for spam. These nicks could be of other spam cycler bots in the channel.
#(If you do not have any 'nick' to exempt to then, please set this empty/blank as "")
#USAGE: "nick1, bot3, user5, robot17, mybot4"
set spamexemptnicks "Chap"

#Set this to the list of exempted ip addresses (user idents and hosts) which you would like the 
#bot to ignore when checking users for spam. These hosts or virtual hosts (vhosts) could be of other 
#spam cycler bots in the channel usually being run by other ops in the channel on other scripts.
#Please *DO NOT* use wildcards such as: (*, !, *!*, @*, *@127.0.0.* etc as they maybe risky)
#(If you do not have any 'user@host' to exempt to then, please set this empty/blank as "")
#USAGE: "rules@,,,,"
set spamexempthosts ""


#Set the name of your Network's 'channel service' here. 
#For example: *ChanServ* on DALnet - *X* on Undernet
#(If your network doesn't have a channel service such as the ones listed above in the examples then 
#keep this field empty/blank like: "")
set spamchanserv "ChanServ"

#Set the name of your Network's 'nick service' here. 
#For example: *NickServ* on DALnet
#(If your network doesn't have a nick service such as the one listed above in the example then keep 
#this field empty/blank like: "")
set spamnickserv "NickServ"

#Set the name of your Network's 'memo service' here. 
#For example: *MemoServ* on DALnet
#(If your network doesn't have a memo service such as the one listed above in the example then keep
#this field empty/blank like: "")
set spammemoserv "MemoServ"

#Set the address/host of your Network's Services service here. 
#For example: ChanServ, NickServ, MemoServ on DALnet ===> - USE: ''
#For example: X on Undernet ===> - USE: ''
#For example: Q on Quakenet ===> - USE: ''
#(If your network doesn't have any network service whose host can be entered here, then please leave 
#this field empty/blank like: "") (I have set the default host for DALnet users)
set spamnetworkhost ""

### Don't edit anything else from this point onwards even if you know tcl! ###

bind evnt - connect-server spam:reset:inactive
bind evnt - prerestart spam:reset:inactive

set cyclechans [split $cyclechans]
set cyclechanslwr [string tolower $cyclechans]
foreach cyclingchan $cyclechanslwr { channel add $cyclingchan }
if {![string match *spamcycle* [timers]]} { timer $spamcycleidle spam:channel:cycle }

proc spam:reset:inactive {type} {
 global cyclechans
  foreach cyclechan [string tolower $cyclechans] {
  channel set $cyclechan -inactive
 return 0

proc spam:channel:cycle {} {
 global botnick cyclechanslwr spamcycleidle spamcyclegone
  foreach cyclechan $cyclechanslwr {
  channel set $cyclechan +inactive
  putlog "CYCLE: Cycling  $cyclechan  every : $spamcycleidle mins . Rejoin desynched on   $cyclechan  to:  $spamcyclegone secs ."
  utimer $spamcyclegone "channel set $cyclechan -inactive"
 if {![string match *spamcycle* [timers]]} {timer $spamcycleidle spam:channel:cycle}
 return 0

bind msgm - * private:spam:detector
bind notc - * notice:spam:detector

proc private:spam:detector {nick uhost hand text} {
 global botnick cyclechanslwr spamwords spamopbot spamauthone spamauthtwo spamauththree spamfirstmsgtime spamsecondmsgtime spamchanserv spamnickserv spammemoserv spamnetworkhost spamexemptnicks spamexempthosts
  if {([string match -nocase *$spamexemptnicks* $nick]) || ([string match -nocase *$spamexempthosts* $uhost]) || ([string match -nocase *$spamnetworkhost* $uhost]) || ([string equal -nocase $nick $spamchanserv]) || ([string equal -nocase $nick $spamnickserv]) || ([string equal -nocase $nick $spammemoserv]) || ([matchattr $hand mnof|mnof]) || ($nick == $botnick)} { return 0 }
  if {($nick != $botnick)} {
   utimer $spamfirstmsgtime [list spam:first:msg $nick]; utimer $spamsecondmsgtime [list spam:second:msg $nick]
   set spamnick $nick; set spamaddress $uhost; set spammsg $text; set spamtype MESSAGE
    foreach i [string tolower $spamwords] {
      if {[string match *$i* [string tolower $text]]} {
        foreach cyclechan $cyclechanslwr {
         if {(![isop $nick $cyclechan]) && (![isvoice $nick $cyclechan])} {
          putserv "PRIVMSG $spamopbot :$spamauthone $spamauthtwo $spamauththree  *MESSAGE*:  $spamaddress $spamnick MSG: ==>  $spammsg "; return 0
# (i am eleet... kthx)

proc spam:first:msg {nick} {
 global spamfirstmsg
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :[lindex $spamfirstmsg [rand [llength $spamfirstmsg]]]"
  return 1

proc spam:second:msg {nick} {
 global spamsecondmsg
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :[lindex $spamsecondmsg [rand [llength $spamsecondmsg]]]"
  return 1

proc notice:spam:detector {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
 global botnick cyclechanslwr spamwords spamopbot spamauthone spamauthtwo spamauththree spamfirstmsgtime spamsecondmsgtime spamchanserv spamnickserv spammemoserv spamnetworkhost spamexemptnicks spamexempthosts
  if {([string match -nocase *$spamexemptnicks* $nick]) || ([string match -nocase *$spamexempthosts* $uhost]) || ([string match -nocase *$spamnetworkhost* $uhost]) || ([string equal -nocase $nick $spamchanserv]) || ([string equal -nocase $nick $spamnickserv]) || ([string equal -nocase $nick $spammemoserv]) || ([matchattr $hand mnof|mnof]) || ($dest != $botnick)} { return 0 }
  if {($dest == $botnick)} {
   utimer $spamfirstmsgtime [list spam:first:notc $nick]; utimer $spamsecondmsgtime [list spam:second:notc $nick]
   set spamnick $nick; set spamaddress $uhost; set spammsg $text; set spamtype NOTICE
    foreach i [string tolower $spamwords] {
     if {[string match *$i* [string tolower $text]]} {
       foreach cyclechan $cyclechanslwr {
        if {(![isop $nick $cyclechan]) && (![isvoice $nick $cyclechan])} {
          putserv "PRIVMSG $spamopbot :$spamauthone $spamauthtwo $spamauththree  *NOTICE*:  $spamaddress $spamnick NOTC: ==>  $spammsg "; return 0
# (*awyeah* rules!)

proc spam:first:notc {nick} { 
 global spamfirstmsg
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex $spamfirstmsg [rand [llength $spamfirstmsg]]]"
  return 1

proc spam:second:notc {nick} { 
 global spamsecondmsg
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex $spamsecondmsg [rand [llength $spamsecondmsg]]]"
  return 1

putlog "\[LOADED\] Spam Detector Script v4.58.ab by \002awyeah (\002"
putlog "\002\***ACTIVATED***\002 Spam Dectector Bot \002(Channel Cycler Bot: *$nick*)\002 on:\002 $cyclechans\002"

this is awyeah tcl currently it relay the spam it gets to the opped bot in channel,however i want it to actually relay it to my specified channel. i jus wan it to cycle detect spam and relay to my specific channel. thanks

Moderated: Moved to the proper category in the forum, and placed the code within a code-block.
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:26 am

Post by scarpa »

That already has a option to relay the code to a specified channel via the spamkick.tcl. If you use a bot that isnt oped you can get the same results without the oped bot kicking/banning.
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