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MEL Eggdrop Logger

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MEL Eggdrop Logger

Post by ron »

Hey all, I was wondering if someone can help me with an error message im getting. I just installed the latest MEL eggdrop logger V2 and for some reason when I go to set the channel for logging I get the following error:

Tcl error [::mel::dcc]: couldn't open "C:/DALnet_Gamebot/scripts/mel/logs/ohio.log": no such file or directory

When I try to change a setting I get:
[02:22pm] .mel rotation 7
14:22] #playa# mel rotation
[14:22] mEL 2.0 - Disabling mAC mode...
[14:22] mEL 2.0 - No rotation date found - Binding new timer (logfile switcher)
[14:22] Tcl error [::mel::dcc]: couldn't open "C:/DALnet_Gamebot/scripts/mel/settings.mel": no such file or directory

When I boot up the windrop I get:
[14:18] mEL 2.0 - C:/DALnet_Gamebot/scripts/mel exists and is a directory... OK.
[14:18] mEL 2.0 - C:/DALnet_Gamebot/scripts/mel/logs exists and is a directory... OK.
[14:18] mEL 2.0 - playa is a valid user on this bot... OK.
[14:18] mEL 2.0 - No channels defined. Use +chan first. Unable to add datestamp in logfile.
<OhioBOT> [14:18] mEL 2.0 successfully initialized...

So, as you can see for some reason it is recognizing that the file directories exist, but it wont add a datestamp in the logfile, and I cant change any settings. Its like it knows the directories exist but doesnt believe itself, lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I can load MEL v 1.5 with no problems, but the text is all together with no spaces, so I though I would update it and came across these problems. Thanks!

1/1/09 - its like it is not creating any of the log files or settings files when the script installs. Any ideas?
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Post by Nimos »

i had problems with my "script testing windrop" too...

but, how about replacing the "/" in your paths with "\"?
Windows uses this for foldernames!

if that does not work, try to take a short path:
If your windrop is in C:\Dalnet_Gamebot\ change the path to "scripts\mel\"
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Post by incith »

/ is actually correct, Tcl (windows) will read this properly.

You can even run into problems if you use "" instead of "\" in settings, if you want \ in your paths. Personally in my scripts that require paths I regsub \ (well, "\") to /, and then regsub // to /\\ (retains escapes basically, if you had c:\foo\\#channel.log for example, you would get c:/foo//#channel.log in the first regsub, and then c:/foo/\#channel.log after the second).

It is also how Windrop/Tcl set its working directory:
a windrop wrote:(21:54:25) <incith> .tcl pwd
(21:54:25) <vistatant> Tcl: C:/windrop
I can't really be of further help, I used to run this script but then I just went back to eggdrops logfiles.
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Post by ron »

Thank you both for the replies. I did finally get this script to work after a few days of messing around with it. I got the idea from both Nimos (short path) and incith (/ path separator is correct).
if that does not work, try to take a short path:
If your windrop is in C:\Dalnet_Gamebot\ change the path to "scripts\mel\"
All I did was replace my full path:

With the following
(with the "'s, and the /'s type path separator)

And it worked like a charm. Not sure why it wouldnt work with the full path because it recognized it...but bottom line is that it is fixed and you have to use a short path like Nimos stated. Thanks again!!!
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