I have problem with connecting to server with my egg..
I start egg with ./eggdrop,everything starts normally,he connects to server,identify nick,but he dont want to join any channel then,and he dont react on /msg bot help, or .msg $Nick txt in party line.After some time I got this in party line:
[14:25] Server got stoned; going for munchies...
[14:25] Trying server *************
[14:25] Connected to *********
Well, your eggdrop thinks the server isn't responding, and thus disconnects..
The cause for this could be almost anything, further information is required.
Are you able to connect to the very same server using some other client from that host?
Also, does your bot respond to other partyline commands (such as .match *)?
I can connect to that server fine with irssi..match also works.But he cant do anything when connect,just identify to nickserv and after some time,quits.When I try .msg:.msg darkooo a
[11:48] #DaRkOoO# msg darkooo a
Msg to darkooo: a
But he dont send msg to me on irc. ;/
Do you have any custom scripts loaded?
What kind of irc network are you connecting to?
Edit: I've read somewhere that some EFnet and Undernet servers implement an additional check of the connecting client, requiring the client to respond to a non-standard message. Do you know whether your servers implement this "feature" or not?