I have a simple mIRC code below which does the following:
<holycrap> !wb test
<bot> Welcome back, test!
How do I go about doing this in TCL? I want to add more commands, for exe in the code below I can just copy and paste the entire block and change *wb* to something else and I have another command. Can someone show me how to do this in TCL?
I have a simple mIRC code below which does the following:
<holycrap> !wb test
<bot> Welcome back, test!
How do I go about doing this in TCL? I want to add more commands, for exe in the code below I can just copy and paste the entire block and change *wb* to something else and I have another command. Can someone show me how to do this in TCL?
on *:text:*wb*:#: {
if $1 == %c $+ wb {
if $2 == $null { msg $chan 13Welcome Back $nick $+ ! | halt }
else { msg $chan 13Welcome Back $2 $+ ! }
If they all are simply mirc remotes returning message to the channel. Why not just use the Putserv-O-Matic script and alter it's triggers, they are simply wildcard triggers the same as mirc would use. Change the flags in the bind below from it's present -|- of none to your flavor of control.