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admin needed tcl

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:56 am
Location: Hungarian

admin needed tcl

Post by lenooxx »

I'm looking for an eggdrop TCL which checks players nicks and reports to an IRC channel if someone needs admin assistance. In other words, if a player changes nick to "ADMIN_NEEDED" it should be reported in the IRC channel. As there already are several different "Irc Reporter" scripts reporting all kinds of player activity, I assume this can't be too complicated for those of you who know UnrealED & TCL programming ?

Anyone have a simliar script laying around, or feel like impressing me with making one ?

Ideally it would be able to check several servers, reporting "Admin needed on server XXX".. although an eggdrop could be added per server if needed.
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