The script simulates a game.. and the end variables i need to keep are the $nick, $games, $goals, $assists, and $points
The file created is just a text file 'hockeystandings'
and it would be like this
Nick1 4 2 4 6 <--- nick, games, goals, assists, points.
Nick2 3 3 5 8
Nick3 7 2 9 11
The problem I'm having is, it needs to first check if the person exists in the file.. If the person doesn't exist, it would add. If the person does exist, it would then combine the values already there, so that the numbers are a running total. Games would just increment (+1) everytime.
As well... when someone tries to do the standings, it would sort based on the points column.
I've read though the TCL faq (Basic File Operation) .... but its obvious its over my head.. i can't seem to figure out how to incorporate what they say in there..
This is my script so far : Right now, i have the standings just outputing regularly - not sorted..
My priority is to get the file to be updated and appended correctly - but I don't know enough of TCL
Code: Select all
# Olympic Hockey - By Rilly #
bind pub - !hockey hockey
bind pub - !standings standings
bind msg o newmonth newmonth
set hockeyversion "1.0"
set channel "#channel"
set countries {
"long list of countries"
set referees {
set actions {
"wow did you see that save?"
"eewww injury!"
"cross-checking Ref"
"Ref? Are you blind?"
"penalty shot!"
"fight! fight!"
"crunch! He felt that hit"
############### hockey game procedure
proc hockey {nick uhost hand chan args} {
if {![hockeythrottled $uhost:#channel 3600]} {
global countries referees actions channel
set country1 [lindex $countries [rand [llength $countries]]]
set country2 [lindex $countries [rand [llength $countries]]]
set ref1 [lindex $referees [rand [llength $referees]]]
set ref2 [lindex $referees [rand [llength $referees]]]
set action1 [lindex $actions [rand [llength $actions]]]
set action2 [lindex $actions [rand [llength $actions]]]
set action3 [lindex $actions [rand [llength $actions]]]
set action4 [lindex $actions [rand [llength $actions]]]
set action5 [lindex $actions [rand [llength $actions]]]
set action6 [lindex $actions [rand [llength $actions]]]
if ![file exists "hockeystandings"] {
set f [open "hockeystandings" w]
puts $f "Rilly 0 0 0 0"
close $f
set maxpoint 3
set goalsfirst [rand $maxpoint]
set goalssecond [rand $maxpoint]
set goalsthird [rand $maxpoint]
set assistsfirst [rand $maxpoint]
set assistssecond [rand $maxpoint]
set assiststhird [rand $maxpoint]
set goals [expr $goalsfirst + $goalssecond + $goalsthird]
set assists [expr $assistsfirst + $assistssecond + $assiststhird]
set points [expr $goals + $assists]
putquick "NOTICE $nick :H O C K E Y T I M E !"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Tonight's matchup is between your home country of $country1 versus the power house of $country2"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Tonight's referees are $ref1 and $ref2. Lets hope they keep this a fair game!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :$country1 lines up with their top player, $nick taking the faceoff"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :And the first period starts!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :..... $action1... $action2...... BUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZ End Of First Period!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick : You scored $goalsfirst goals and had $assistsfirst assists that period!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick : The teams go to their respected dressing rooms for intermission!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :OK Intermission over.. $nick gets ready for the faceoff"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :And the second period starts!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :..... $action3... $action4...... BUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZ End Of Second Period!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick : You scored $goalssecond goals and had $assistssecond assists that period!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick : The teams go to their respected dressing rooms for intermission!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :OK Intermission over.. $nick on the bench to start period 3, but I'm sure we'll eventually see $nick again"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :And the third period starts!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :..... $action5... $action6...... BUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZ End Of the Game!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick : You scored $goalsthird goals and had $assiststhird assists that period!"
if [rand 2] {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Congratulations, $nick! You helped $country1 win the game! But this is just one game of many....."
putquick "NOTICE $nick :On a personal note, you scored $goals goals and had $assists assists for a total of $points points!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :I will add those totals to your standings for the tournament."
} else {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Sorry $nick, $country2 won the game, but you still played well. Remember, the next game will be coming up soon.................."
putquick "NOTICE $nick :On a personal note, you scored $goals goals and had $assists assists for a total of $points points!"
putquick "NOTICE $nick :I will add those totals to your standings for the tournament."
# return 1
if {![file exists "hockeystandings"]} {
set fd [open $hockeyscores w]
close $fd
set fd [open "hockeystandings" r]
set j 0
while {![eof $fd]} {
lappend hockeyplayer [gets $fd]
set j [incr j]
set i [expr $j - 1]
set hockeyplayer [lreplace $hockeyplayer $i $i]
putquick "NOTICE $nick :$hockeyplayer is what variable hockeyplayer is equal too."
close $fd
for {set k 0} {$k < $i} {incr k 4} {
set existingnick [lindex $hockeyplayer $k]
if {$hand == $existingnick} {
set games [expr [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 1]] + 1]
set goals [expr [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 2]] + 1]
set assists [expr [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 3]] + 1]
set points [expr [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 4]] + 1]
set hockeyplayer [lreplace $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 1] [expr $k + 2] [expr $k + 3] [expr $k + 4] $games $goals $assists $points]
set dscore [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 1]]
set hockeyplayer [lreplace $hockeyplayer 1 2 0 0]
for {set k 1} {$k < $i} {incr k 2} {
set hockeyplayer [lreplace $hockeyplayer $k $k 0]
incr k
set hockeyplayer [lreplace $hockeyplayer $k $k 0]
set gameplaying 0
set chan ""
set fd [open "hockeystandings" w]
foreach line $hockeyplayer {
puts $fd $line
close $fd
return 0
set hockeyplayer [lappend hockeyplayer $hand]
set hockeyplayer [lappend hockeyplayer 1]
set hockeyplayer [lappend hockeyplayer 1]
set fd [open "hockeystandings" w]
foreach line $score {
puts $fd $line
close $fd
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Sorry $nick - You need to wait 5 minutes between attempts!"
return 0
############### end of hockey game procedure
############ Monthly Reset procedure
proc newmonth {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global countries referees actions channel
set f [open "hockeystandings" w]
puts $f "Rilly 0 0 0 0"
close $f
putserv "privmsg $channel :Hockey Tournament has been reset! Type !hockey to play!"
return 1
############ End of Monthly Reset procedure
############# standings procedure.
proc standings {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global countries referees actions channel
putquick "privmsg $chan :\00306<<<<<<<<<<\00313O L Y M P I C * H O C K E Y * S T A N D I N G S\00306>>>>>>>>>>>\003"
putquick "privmsg $chan :\00309~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\003"
set fd [open "hockeystandings" r]
set j 0
while {![eof $fd]} {
gets $fd hockeyplayer
# lappend hockeyplayer [gets $fd]
putquick "privmsg $chan :[lindex \00307$hockeyplayer\003 0] \00310has played [lindex $hockeyplayer 1] games with [lindex $hockeyplayer 2] goals, [lindex $hockeyplayer 3] assists, for a total of [lrange $hockeyplayer 4 end] points\003"
# putserv "notice $nick : $hockeyplayer hockeyplayer variable within j loop"
incr j
close $fd
# set i [expr $j - 1]
# set hockeyplayer2 [lindex $hockeyplayer $i]
# putquick "notice $nick : $hockeyplayer2 hockeyplayer variable after lreplace"
# close $fd
# set looptest [llength $hockeyplayer]
# for {set k 0} {$k < $looptest} {incr k 5} {
# set wosnick [lindex $hockeyplayer $k]
# putquick "notice $nick : $wosnick nick"
# set games [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 1]]
# putquick "notice $nick : $games games"
# set goals [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 2]]
# putquick "notice $nick : $goals goals"
# set assists [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 3]]
# putquick "notice $nick : $assists assists"
# set points [lindex $hockeyplayer [expr $k + 4]]
# putquick "notice $nick : $points points"
# lappend tempsortscore [$points $goals $assists $games $wosnick]
# set tempsortscore [lsort -decreasing $tempsortscore]
# set sortscore ""
# for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
# set tiscore [lindex $tempsortscore $i]
# if {$tiscore != ""} {
# set newtempsortscore [string trimleft [lindex $tiscore 0] 0]
# append sortscore [format "\0034 %s\.\003 %s\(%d\/%d\) " [expr {$i + 1}] [lindex $tiscore 2] $newtempsortscore [lindex $tiscore 1]]
# }
# if {$sortscore == ""} {
# putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\002\003$statcol1\No one has scored yet!"
#set slength [llength $sortscore]
#putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :The top 10 Hockey Players"
#putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$sortscore"
############ end of standings procedure
################ timer procedure
proc hockeythrottled {id time} {
global hockeythrottled nick channel
if {[info exists hockeythrottled($id)]} {
set left 0
foreach t [utimers] {
if {[string equal $hockeythrottled($id) [lindex $t 2]]} {
set left [lindex $t 0]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :You have $left seconds left before your next jump attempt!"
return 1
} {
set hockeythrottled($id) [utimer $time [list unset hockeythrottled($id)]]
return 0
################ end of timer procedure
### this updates the log when eggdrop is loaded
putlog "\002\'Olympic Hockey'\002 Version $hockeyversion ©Rilly 2010 loaded"