#! /bin/sh
# botchk
# $Id: botchk,v 1.6 2002-02-27 18:21:46 guppy Exp $
# This is a script suitable for use in a crontab. It checks to make sure
# your bot is running. YOU NEED A SEPARATE CRON JOB FOR EACH BOT. If your
# bot isn't found, it'll try to start it back up.
# You'll need to edit this script for your bot.
# To check for your bot every 10 minutes, put the following line in your
# crontab:
# 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/mydir/mybot/botchk
# And if you don't want to get email from crontab when it checks you bot,
# put the following in your crontab:
# 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/mydir/mybot/botchk >/dev/null 2>&1
# change this to the directory you run your bot from (capitalization COUNTS):
# change this to the name of your bot's config file (capitalization COUNTS):
botscript="./Dev Dev.conf"
# change this to the botnet-nick of your bot (capitalization COUNTS):
# change this to the name of your bot's userfile (capitalization COUNTS):
# change this to the name of your bot's pidfile (capitalization COUNTS):
########## you probably don't need to change anything below here ##########
cd $botdir
# is there a pid file?
if test -r $pidfile
# there is a pid file -- is it current?
botpid=`cat $pidfile`
if `kill -CHLD $botpid >/dev/null 2>&1`
# it's still going -- back out quietly
exit 0
echo ""
echo "Stale $pidfile file, erasing..."
rm -f $pidfile
if test -r CANTSTART.$botname
if test -r $userfile || test -r $userfile~new || test -r $userfile~bak
echo ""
echo "Userfile found, removing check file 'CANTSTART.$botname'..."
rm -f CANTSTART.$botname
# test if we have run botchk previously and didn't find a userfile
if test ! -f CANTSTART.$botname
echo ""
echo "Couldn't find bot '$botname' running, reloading..."
echo ""
# check for userfile and reload bot if found
if test -r $userfile
# It's there, load the bot
exit 0
if test -r $userfile~new
# Bot f*@!ed up while saving the userfile last time. Move it over.
echo "Userfile missing. Using last saved userfile..."
mv -f $userfile~new $userfile
exit 0
if test -r $userfile~bak
# Userfile is missing, use backup userfile.
echo "Userfile missing. Using backup userfile..."
cp -f $userfile~bak $userfile
exit 0
# Well, nothing to work with...
echo "No userfile. Could not reload the bot..."
echo "no userfile" > CANTSTART.$botname
exit 1
exit 0
Anyone that knows what the problem is or see anything wrong in here?
That error message is generated because you try to start your eggdrop using the botchk-script as a config-file. Not the way to do it...
Re-read tsukeh's post. First step is to see if your config-file is executable (and the #! magic number is set up properly).
If this works, run the botchk-script manually, as the bash-script it is, and track any and all errors thrown.
In neither of the above tests should you prefix the comand/file with the eggdrop binary.
As a final resort, drop the pipe-redirects from the cron-job, and you should recieve an email whenever the botchk-script is run and something happened. This should atleast provide some hints to what's setup incorrectly...
nml375 wrote:slaktarn:
That error message is generated because you try to start your eggdrop using the botchk-script as a config-file. Not the way to do it...
Re-read tsukeh's post. First step is to see if your config-file is executable (and the #! magic number is set up properly).
If this works, run the botchk-script manually, as the bash-script it is, and track any and all errors thrown.
In neither of the above tests should you prefix the comand/file with the eggdrop binary.
As a final resort, drop the pipe-redirects from the cron-job, and you should recieve an email whenever the botchk-script is run and something happened. This should atleast provide some hints to what's setup incorrectly...
Im relly sorry but don´t get a [censored] of any of what you ppl taking about i searched around a bit more and find out that you never shuld use a Windows editor to edit your files. Try to reedit the botchk file in vi editor and it seems to work fine. Now i just have a last question for you ppl. When it starts up it starts whit Dev.conf insted of Dev it it the way it shuld be it dosent matter relly just a thing i note.
changed to
botscript="./Dev Dev.conf"
That sloved the thing i wrote befor that my bot start whit Dev.conf know it starts whit the binary insted of the conf file.
Hoever i will thx everyone in this section that try to help me slove this!
Thx alot and the prob sloved i wuld prob figure all this out my self it i not was so stupid to edit all conf file in Windows. It was the real problem. Else its relly easy to set up botchk file. To anyone else that have problem whit it! Never edit in Windows use vi editor in linux