Hi guys
It is some time I'd like to create this game, but knowing very little and nothing mirc scripting language tcl, I request you, please.
I undertook to write all stages of the game to make them work faster.
Both mirc or tcl scripting it's okay. If you have any doubt, are playing the games at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1_vs._100
I hope someone can help me, really thanks in advance
- Starting the game with the command !1contro100on (Once activated, it should be possible at any time terminate with command !1contro100off, only from channel's operators)
- Registration of players within 90 seconds with the command !play
- Displaying a random question from the file questions_selection.txt (including questions with 1 answer) and who responds is selected as a player, other members will be the famous wall, that the player must eliminate.
- If no reply within 30 seconds, the application will be replaced for up to 3 times (total 4 questions). If no one answers despite the substitutions, the game ends.
- Viewing a random question from the file questions.txt (containing questions with 3 answers). From the time of application, the wall, or members who have not guessed the main question, the bot will answer queries within 30 seconds with the command !say (a, b, c)
- After the main competitor has read the claim and have passed the 30 seconds to respond to other queries, he will now have 30 seconds to respond or ask a channel of 3 wildcard.
- Assuming that responds with !say (a, b, c) is accepted answer.
- Channel will appear in the results of the wall, who failed and vice versa, viewing before all that went wrong and then those that were still in the game.
- Displays the correct answer!
- If the contestant answered correctly and the wall has been at least one player then the game continues, start again from "Actual Start Game", an alternative ending with the proclamation of the competitor.
- If the contestant misses and one or more persons in the wall are still in the game, the winner is proclaimed the wall listing the remaining players.
- If all wrong, the game is over and nobody wins.
*** JOLLY ***
- Usable only by the main competitor, for an application and always with the same command !jolly. Example: If your competitor does !jolly to the first question, will be released Jolly1 ... if it does !jolly in the next question, will be released Jolly2, even if you do later in another question, will be released the last, the Jolly3. After you select the command !jolly, the time to answer the question again for 30 seconds.
- Jolly1: The first wildcard and former... then just used, the competitor will be notified directly to the next question, and the game continues giving the list of people involved and removed, and the correct answer to the question, and continue if there are survivors in the wall.
- Jolly2: The second gives the possibility of 2 responses to the same question, then just call the competitor has 30 seconds to choose 2 answers. Example: !say A and sending out the message that we must give another answer and writes !say C and sending ... and the game continues with the list of players who guessed wrong and the detection and response. If the answer is between 2 dates, the game continues if they have been surviving in the wall or over.
- Jolly3: The third wildcard delete 1 of 2 wrong answers, so that the competitor must extricate from 1 right and 1 wrong.
- The file will contain a question and answer questions_selection.txt per line, written like this: Question#Answer
- The file will contain questions.txt a question and 3 answers for line, written like this: Question#answerA#answerB#answerC#A (last letter, which will be A, B or C, identifies the correct answer).