Hi, how to Edit kickban modul.
In principle. Kickban
command banmask
. Kickban nick *! * Dent @ *. name.domain
. Kickban-nick *! * Dent@host.name.domain
. Kickban @ nick *! * @ Host.name.domain
I want to do it
. Kickban-nick nick! * @ *
. Kickban nick automatically detects mirc / webuser and ban them mircusers *! * @ Host.name.domain and webuser *! * Ident @ *. name.domain
My first question would then be; Which module would that be? Link to the source?
That is, unless you are talking of the kickban dcc partyline command provided by the irc.mod module? In that case, you'd be looking at editing src/mod/irc.mod/cmdsirc.c around line 237.
Another option could be to simply write a tcl-script to either replace the .kickban command, or create a new one (say .kbnick), if you find tcl-scripting more easy then c-programming.