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Problem with KALICH tcl settings

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Problem with KALICH tcl settings

Post by deejayb »

I've found the .tcl of KALICH and I've installed them.
When I telnet to my eggdrop, I receive a message that said:

Tcl error [talk_r]: no such user.

I think I've set correctly my nick for make me recognize......


## Owner: Set this to the _handle_ of the permanent owner of the bot (usually it's YOU!)
## This is _VERY_ important!
set The_Owner "^^King^Arthur^^"

(after appear into the script: $The_Owner.... I must change all the The_Owner or is it right what I've type before into the " " ?!?!?).
May be because other nick are not registered?
Tnx so much for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Regards!
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I suggest you to use CCS - Channel Control Script by Buster
KALICH too old and didnt supported any more.
Архив TCL скриптов для ботов Eggdrop/Windrop:
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