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help me @ ProjectX IRC 2 HTML TCL

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help me @ ProjectX IRC 2 HTML TCL

Post by sotengboy »

i try to run my bot, but i got a warning like this:

Code: Select all

[16:51:57] invalid channel: #ndhesso
    while executing
"chanlist $chan"
    (procedure "pxi2h:make" line 5)
    invoked from within
"pxi2h:make $ele"
    ("foreach" body line 3)
    invoked from within
"foreach ele [array names pxi2h_chan] {
  if {![info exists pxi2h_history($ele)]} { set pxi2h_history($ele) "" }
  pxi2h:make $ele
    (file "scripts/log.tcl" line 247)
    invoked from within
"source scripts/log.tcl"
    (file "g.conf" line 380)
can anyone help me? thanks before :)
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Post by Trixar_za »

Is it that script that generates html files based on what's being said in the channel? I once created a modified copy of it to fix that bug and add in serveral features, so here you go:

Code: Select all

###                                         __  __  __               ###
###               ___  ____ __  _ ___  ___ / /_ \ \/ /               ###
###              / _ \' __/ _ `/ / -_)/ __/  _/  )  (                ###
###             / .__/_/  \___/ /\___/\__/\__/  /_/\_\               ###
###            /_/ -------- /__/ ---------------------               ###
###                                                                  ###
### ProjectX IRC 2 HTML v2.1 by Trixar_za <>      ###
### based on original script by Natrak <>       ###
### This script logs what goes on in an IRC channel, converts it to  ###
### HTML and make it visible to user on the web.                     ###
### I mainly just fixed the bugs in this and added in a crapload     ###
### more user configuration options, better way to handel font       ### 
### types, sizes and color. I also added in a way to show mirc       ###
### control codes (even colours). So Enjoy!                          ###
### -- Trixar_za                                                     ###
### Configuration:
# The channel set to show online & path to output to:
set pxi2h_chan(#Zen) "/home/brenton/eggdrop/EPL.html"
# The prefix to prevent stuff from being shown on the web:
set pxi2h(secret) "."
# Maximum number of lines shown on the web:
set pxi2h(maxlines) 50
# The page is set to refes every X seconds:
set pxi2h(refresh) 5
# The title of the page:
set pxi2h(title) "#EPL - Latest Activity"
# The powered by of the page:
set pxi2h(powered) "<A HREF=\"\">#EPL Quakenet</A>"
# Background color:
set pxi2h(bgcolor) "white" 
# Default Font:
set pxi2h(font) "monospace"
# Default Text color:
set pxi2h(text) "black"
# Font type, color & size (in standard pixel format) for the heading:
set pxi2h(hfont) "sans-serif"
set pxi2h(heading) "#ff6a6a"
set pxi2h(hfontsize) "18"
# Font type, color & size (in standard pixel format) for the server address:
set pxi2h(sfont) "monospace"
set pxi2h(sfontcol) "black"
set pxi2h(sfontsize) "10"
# Font type, color & size (in standard pixel format) for the user list:
set pxi2h(ufont) "monospace"
set pxi2h(ufontcol) "black"
set pxi2h(ufontsize) "10"
# Font type, color & size (in standard pixel format) for the channel text:
set pxi2h(mfont) "monospace"
set pxi2h(mfontcol) "black"
set pxi2h(mfontsize) "11"
# Font type, color & size (in standard pixel format) for the powered by message:
set pxi2h(pfont) "sans-serif"
set pxi2h(pfontcol) "black"
set pxi2h(pfontsize) "12"
### End of config.

proc pxi2h:style {event chan nick host arg} {
  global pxi2h_history
  set chan [pxi2h:findchan $chan]
  if {$chan == ""} { return }
  switch -- $event {
    actn { set text "* $nick $arg" }
    join { set text "\00304*** $nick ($host) has joined $chan" }
    kick { set text "*** [lindex $arg 0] was kicked by $nick ([lrange $arg 1 end])" }
    mode { set text "*** $nick sets mode: $arg" }
    nick { set text "*** $nick is now known as $arg" }
    part { set text "*** $nick ($host) has left $chan" }
    pubm { set text "<$nick> $arg" }
    sign { set text "*** $nick ($host) #has quit irc ($arg)" }
    topc { set text "*** $nick changes topic to '$arg'" }
  set pxi2h_history($chan) [lappend pxi2h_history($chan) [pxi2h:control [pxi2h:convert $text]]]
  utimer 1 "pxi2h:make $chan"

proc pxi2h:dcc {hand idx arg} {
  global pxi2h
  if {[string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] == "on"} {
    set pxi2h(status) "on"
  } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] == "off"} {
    set pxi2h(status) "off"
  putdcc $idx "ProjectX irc2html is $pxi2h(status)"
  return 1

proc pxi2h:html {text} {
  return [pxi2h:unconvert [pxi2h:convert $text]]
# mirc to html code by stdragon 
proc pxi2h:control {text} {
   set mirc_color(00) "white"
   set mirc_color(01) "black"
   set mirc_color(02) "blue"
   set mirc_color(03) "green"
   set mirc_color(04) "red"
   set mirc_color(05) "brown"
   set mirc_color(06) "purple"
   set mirc_color(07) "orange"
   set mirc_color(08) "yellow"
   set mirc_color(09) "lightgreen"
   set mirc_color(10) "cyan"
   set mirc_color(11) "lightcyan"
   set mirc_color(12) "lightblue"
   set mirc_color(13) "pink"
   set mirc_color(14) "grey"
   set mirc_color(15) "lightgrey"

   set chars [split $text ""]
   set len [llength $chars]
   set output ""
   set in_bold 0
   set in_color 0
   set in_uline 0
   for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
      switch [lindex $chars $i] {
         "" {
            if {$in_bold} {
               append output "</b>"
               set in_bold 0
            } else {
               append output "<b>"
               set in_bold 1
         "" {
            incr i
            set c [lindex $chars $i]
            if {$i < $len && [string is integer $c]} {
               incr i
               set d [lindex $chars $i]
               if {$i < $len && [string is integer $d]} {
                  incr i
                  set num "$c$d"
               } else {
                  set num "0$c"
               if {$in_color} { append output "</font>" }
               append output "<font color="
               if {[info exists mirc_color($num)]} {
                  append output $mirc_color($num)
               } else {
                  append output $pxi2h(text)
               append output ">"
               set in_color 1
               # Skip past background color if it's there.
               set c [lindex $chars $i]
               if {$i < $len && $c == ","} {
                  incr i
                  set c [lindex $chars $i]
                  if {$i < $len && [string is integer $c]} {
                     incr i
                     set c [lindex $chars $i]
                     if {![string is integer $c]} { incr i -1 }
                  } else { incr i -2 }
               } else { incr i -1 }
            } else {
               if {$in_color} { append output "</font>" }
               set in_color 0
               incr i -1
         "" {
            if {$in_uline} {
               append output "</u>"
               set in_uline 0
            } else {
               append output "<u>"
               set in_uline 1
         default {
            append output [lindex $chars $i]
   if {$in_bold} { append output "</b>" }
   if {$in_color} { append output "</font>" }
   if {$in_uline} { append output "</u>" }
   return $output
proc pxi2h:clean {text} {
  regsub -all {} $text "" text
  regsub -all {[0-9]*} $text "" text
  regsub -all {} $text "" text
  return $text
proc pxi2h:convert {text} {
  regsub -all , $text "" text
  regsub -all {\]} $text "p!c1" text
  regsub -all {\[} $text "p!c2" text
  regsub -all {\}} $text "p!c3" text
  regsub -all {\{} $text "p!c4" text
  regsub -all {\$} $text "p!c5" text
  regsub -all {\"} $text "p!c6" text
  regsub -all {\;} $text "p!c7" text
  regsub -all {\\} $text "p!c8" text
  regsub -all {\/} $text "p!c9" text
  regsub -all & $text "\\&" text
  regsub -all < $text "\\<" text
  regsub -all > $text "\\>" text
  regsub -all \" $text "\\"" text
  regsub -all "  " $text "\\  " text
  return $text
proc pxi2h:unconvert {text} {
  regsub -all {p!c1} $text "\]" text
  regsub -all {p!c2} $text "\[" text
  regsub -all {p!c3} $text "\}" text
  regsub -all {p!c4} $text "\{" text
  regsub -all {p!c5} $text "\$" text
  regsub -all {p!c6} $text "\"" text
  regsub -all {p!c7} $text "\;" text
  regsub -all {p!c8} $text "\\" text
  regsub -all {p!c9} $text "\/" text
  return $text

proc pxi2h:make {chan} {
  global pxi2h_history pxi2h pxi2h_chan server
  if {[llength $pxi2h_history($chan)] > $pxi2h(maxlines)} { set pxi2h_history($chan) [lrange $pxi2h_history($chan) 1 end] }
  set nicks ""
  foreach nick [chanlist $chan] {
    if {[isop $nick $chan]} {
      set nicks "$nicks @[pxi2h:convert $nick]"
    } elseif {[isvoice $nick $chan]} {
      set nicks "$nicks +[pxi2h:convert $nick]"
    } else {
      set nicks "$nicks [pxi2h:convert $nick]"
  set nicks [lsort -increasing $nicks]
  set html [open $pxi2h_chan($chan) w]
  puts $html "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n <TITLE>$pxi2h(title)</TITLE>\n <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"$pxi2h(refresh)\">\n</HEAD>"
  puts $html "<BODY TEXT=\"$pxi2h(text)\" BGCOLOR=\"$pxi2h(bgcolor)\" LINK=\"$pxi2h(heading)\" VLINK=\"$pxi2h(heading)\">"
  puts $html "<FONT COLOR=\"$pxi2h(heading)\" FACE=\"$pxi2h(hfont)\"><DIV style=\"font-size:$pxi2h(hfontsize)px\">$chan: '[pxi2h:clean [pxi2h:html [topic $chan]]]'</DIV></FONT><P>"
  puts $html "<FONT COLOR=\"$pxi2h(sfontcol)\" FACE=\"$pxi2h(sfont)\"><DIV style=\"font-size:$pxi2h(sfontsize)px\"><B>Server</B>: [string range $server 0 [expr [string last ":" $server] - 1]]<DIV></FONT>"
  puts $html "<FONT COLOR=\"$pxi2h(ufontcol)\" FACE=\"$pxi2h(ufont)\"><DIV style=\"font-size:$pxi2h(ufontsize)px\"><B>Users</B>: [pxi2h:unconvert $nicks]</DIV></FONT>\n  <HR SIZE=\"1\">"
  close $html
  set html [open $pxi2h_chan($chan) a]
  if {$pxi2h(status) == "on"} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $pxi2h_history($chan)]} { incr i } {
      puts $html "<FONT COLOR=\"$pxi2h(mfontcol)\" FACE=\"$pxi2h(mfont)\"><DIV style=\"font-size:$pxi2h(mfontsize)px\">\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] [pxi2h:unconvert [lindex $pxi2h_history($chan) $i]]</DIV></FONT>"
  } else {
    puts $html "<BR><CENTER><B>O F F L I N E !</B></CENTER><P>"
  puts $html "<HR SIZE=\"1\">\n <CENTER><FONT COLOR=\"$pxi2h(pfontcol)\" FACE=\"$pxi2h(pfont)\"><DIV style=\"font-size:$pxi2h(pfontsize)px\"><I>Powered by $pxi2h(powered)</I></DIV></FONT></CENTER>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>"
  close $html

proc pxi2h:findchan {chan} {
  global pxi2h_chan
  foreach ele [array names pxi2h_chan] {
    if {[string tolower $ele] == [string tolower $chan]} { return $ele }

proc pxi2h:ctcp {nick host handle dest keyword arg} {
  if {![string compare $keyword "ACTION"]} { pxi2h:style "actn" $dest $nick $host $arg }
proc pxi2h:join {nick host handle chan} {
  pxi2h:style "join" $chan $nick $host ""
proc pxi2h:kick {nick host handle chan knick arg} {
  pxi2h:style "kick" $chan $nick $host "$knick $arg"
proc pxi2h:mode11x {nick host handle chan arg} {
  if {[lindex $arg 0] == "+k"} { set mode [lindex $arg 0] } else { set mode [lrange $arg 0 end] }
  pxi2h:style "mode" $chan $nick $host $mode
proc pxi2h:mode13x {nick host handle chan arg mnick} {
  if {[lindex $arg 0] == "+k"} { set mode [lindex $arg 0] } else { set mode "[lrange $arg 0 end] $mnick" }
  pxi2h:style "mode" $chan $nick $host $mode
proc pxi2h:nick {nick host handle chan newnick} {
  pxi2h:style "nick" $chan $nick $host $newnick
proc pxi2h:part {nick host handle chan rest} {
  pxi2h:style "part" $chan $nick $host ""
proc pxi2h:pubm {nick host handle chan arg} {
  global pxi2h
  if {[string range $arg 0 0] != $pxi2h(secret)} { pxi2h:style "pubm" $chan $nick $host $arg }
proc pxi2h:sign {nick host handle chan arg} {
  pxi2h:style "sign" $chan $nick $host $arg
proc pxi2h:topc {nick host handle chan topic} {
  if {$nick != "*"} { pxi2h:style "topc" $chan $nick $host $topic }

bind dcc +m irc2html pxi2h:dcc
bind ctcp - ACTION pxi2h:ctcp
bind join - * pxi2h:join
bind kick - * pxi2h:kick
if {[lindex $version 1] < "01030000"} {
  bind mode - * pxi2h:mode11x
} else {
  bind mode - * pxi2h:mode13x
bind nick - * pxi2h:nick
bind part - * pxi2h:part
bind pubm - * pxi2h:pubm
bind sign - * pxi2h:sign
bind topc - * pxi2h:topc

set pxi2h(ver) "2.00"

if {![info exists pxi2h(status)]} { set pxi2h(status) "on" }
if {[info exists pxi2h(status)] && [validchan pxi2h_chan]} {
  foreach ele [array names pxi2h_chan] {
    if {![info exists pxi2h_history($ele)]} { set pxi2h_history($ele) "" }
    pxi2h:make $ele
putlog "\[ProjectX\] irc2html v$pxi2h(ver) loaded."
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Post by sotengboy »

ok thanks sir. i'll try it
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Post by sotengboy »

sotengboy wrote:ok thanks sir. i'll try it
I've tried, and succeeded. thank you very much sir
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Post by sotengboy »

wow, but there is one small mistake

Code: Select all

<gseen> [18:41:38] Tcl error [pxi2h:join]: ambiguous option "-": must be -exact, -glob, -regexp, or --
what is it sir? help me, I am a newbie
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Post by Trixar_za »

sotengboy wrote:wow, but there is one small mistake

Code: Select all

<gseen> [18:41:38] Tcl error [pxi2h:join]: ambiguous option "-": must be -exact, -glob, -regexp, or --
what is it sir? help me, I am a newbie
No clue, because it's refering to the switch statement found here:

Code: Select all

proc pxi2h:style {event chan nick host arg} {
  global pxi2h_history
  set chan [pxi2h:findchan $chan]
  if {$chan == ""} { return }
  switch -- $event {
Like you can see, switch DOES have -- written there which makes this pretty weird. Maybe replacing it with --exact or --glob will fix it?
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Post by speechles »

Trixar_za, you're good. But you missed one tiny, small, easily over-looked detail. The fellows error itself:

Code: Select all

<gseen> [18:41:38] Tcl error [pxi2h:join]: ambiguous option "-": must be -exact, -glob, -regexp, or --
It is a single hyphen causing this. Investigating the invocation trail leading from the original bind yields the offender easily, since we know what we are looking for. With the code left as is, no line with hyphens will work.

Code: Select all

switch [lindex $chars $i] { 
Bingo, replace that.. with

Code: Select all

switch -- "[lindex $chars $i]" { 
Solved... Single hyphens should no longer cause a problem.
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Post by Exedore »

Code: Select all

[18:06] <tester_bot> [14:06] Tcl error [pxi2h:ctcp]: can't read "pxi2h(text)": no such variable
[18:06] <tester_bot> [14:06] Tcl error [pxi2h:pubm]: can't read "pxi2h(text)": no such variable
I don't know what is this.
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Post by Trixar_za »

Exedore wrote:

Code: Select all

[18:06] <tester_bot> [14:06] Tcl error [pxi2h:ctcp]: can't read "pxi2h(text)": no such variable
[18:06] <tester_bot> [14:06] Tcl error [pxi2h:pubm]: can't read "pxi2h(text)": no such variable
I don't know what is this.
You're missing this variable:

Code: Select all

# Default Text color:
set pxi2h(text) "black" 
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