Loaded and configured correctly, I get this error message via CTCP chat with my eggdrop bot:
Code: Select all
<EggDrop> [22:25] Tcl error [need:unban]: can't read "cha": no such variable
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<EggDrop> [22:25] Tcl error [need:unban]: can't read "cha": no such variable
Code: Select all
proc need:unban {chan type} {
global botnick needunbantype needunbanchans
if {($needunbantype == 1) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $needunbanchans]] [string tolower $chan]] != -1)} { needunban:chans $chan $type }
if {($needunbantype == 2)} { needunban:chans $chan $type }
if {($needunbantype != 1) && ($needunbantype != 2) || ($needunbantype == 0)} { return 0 }