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Help with Alice.tcl AI bot

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Help with Alice.tcl AI bot

Post by fstltna »

I am trying to get alice.tcl working on my bot, but I am having an odd issue. I have the channel set to "+alice" as directed, and have it set so that you don't need to keep putting the bot nickname in the text you type, but it just sits there unless the bot nickname is there. It doesn't seem to respond to PMs either.

Can someone help me out? The author of alice.tcl seems to have gone away and his site has not been updated in a couple years...

Thanks for your attention!

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Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:33 am

Post by Elements »

have you set a server ?

Code: Select all

## Which server should I use for the alice engine?
# 0 = (Alice)
# 1 = (Ruby)
# 2 = (A Program-E Server)
# 3 = (Cyber-Ivar)
# 4 = your own Aine CGI server
# 5 = your own program-D alice server
# 6 = your own program-C (hippie) CGI server
# 7 = Actual Hippie Program-C
# 8 = your own pandorabots engine (
# 9 = A AOL Instant Messenger bot (
set alice_engine 8

i went to pandorabots and registered a bot,
got my url similar to
put that in the script

Code: Select all

# If using your own alice server (Aine CGI, program-D, program-C CGI, pandorabots, runabot) enter the url here:
# or if you notice one of the pre-programmed engines url's have changed, you may enter it here and see
# if it might help.
#set alice_url "" ;# hippie.cgi example
#set alice_url "" ;# aine.cgi example
#set alice_url "" ;# program-D example
#set alice_url "<your bot id here>" ;# pandorabots example
#set alice_url "" ;# runabot example
set alice_url ""
and works fine.

hope it helps.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:36 pm
Location: Redwood City, CA

Post by fstltna »

It doesn't work for me, but I think this is a fault of the bot configuration, not the bot host. I got my bot at pandora, and entered the botid and selected server type 8, and if I specify the bot nick on the line it works. But it does not ever respond if the individual never uses the bot nick. In theory they should be able to say "hello <botnick>" and then from that point on the bot should respond to them without the need to put the bot nick again (unless they wait more than 5 min, which is the default period).

I have the alice.tcl set to not require the botnick on every command line but it doesn't respond... Hope this gives more of what is happening...

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Post by cache »

Be easier if you post us the code you have for the settings, I know what you mean, just want to see how you have it setup.
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Location: Redwood City, CA

Post by fstltna »

Code: Select all

# 8 = your own pandorabots engine (
# 9 = A AOL Instant Messenger bot (
set alice_engine 8

set alice_url "<8e1118016e34768b>" ;# pandorabots example

Is that what you wanted?

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Location: Mass

Post by cache »

No, something like this:

Code: Select all

set alice_cookiesfile "$nick.cookies"
set alice_cookiesexpire 5
set alice_respondpriv 0
set alice_respondchan 1
set alice_respondrequirenick 1
set alice_respondwithnick 1
set alice_channels "*"
set alice_timeoutchat 5
set alice_logging 0
set alice_log_path "logs/"
The bot id you have there shouldn't include the < >.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:51 pm

Post by judgey2K10 »

The alice TCL has errors init, about a year ago i got it fixed but i had to go to a chan on irc tcl channel worked it out for me in the end (nothing todo with here)

Some code needs cleaning up sorry i can not help u more
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