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inverted flags?

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:00 pm
Location: The Netherlands

inverted flags?

Post by cvanmeer »

Hello everyone,

I am in need of assistance....I want to build a script that will message every user on join...the only catch is...the op's must not be msg'd

so in stead of doing a
bind join - * procname

I would need something like an inverted flag like
bind join -o * procname

is that possible somehow? I've tried to use the [isop] command, but that doesn't work too well with a 'bind join'

in a nutshell: msg a user onjoin, but not if he/she's an op.
Posts: 76
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:59 pm

Post by thommey »

How do you know, on join, if a person is an op? Is your Eggdrop the only bot responsible for handing out those op rights? If it is, then you can just bind join - * and check in the proc (if {[matchattr $hand o|o $chan]} { return 0 } at the beginning to prevent execution of the rest of it). In case your bot is not the only bot giving access rights, it can't know if someone is to become an op within a few seconds after the join (join is before op), so you could initiate a timer to msg them and cancel it when they receive op (bind mode).
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