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Windrop debug

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:47 pm

Windrop debug

Post by iStewie94 »

I have downloaded a fun script
When I enter !slot or !bank then the bot goes offline.

Heres the DEBUG file:

Code: Select all

Debug (eggdrop v1.6.20) written Mon Jul 18 19:53:17 2011
Full Patch List: 
Tcl library: ./lib/tcl8.5
Tcl version: 8.5.9 (header version 8.5.9)
Compile flags: gcc  -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -I.. -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  
Link flags: gcc 
Strip flags: strip
Context: tclhash.c/710, [Tcl proc: *ctcp:CHAT, param:  $_ctcpr1 $_ctcpr2 $_ctcpr3 $_ctcpr4 $_ctcpr5 $_ctcpr6]
         tclhash.c/721, []
         tclhash.c/721, []
         tclhash.c/706, []
         tclhash.c/710, [Tcl proc: *raw:irc:msg, param:  $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
         tclhash.c/706, []
         tclhash.c/710, [Tcl proc: russenroulette:shoot, param:  $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5]
         tclhash.c/721, []
         tclhash.c/706, []
         tclhash.c/710, [Tcl proc: omgwort:checkword, param:  $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5]
         tclhash.c/721, []
         tclhash.c/706, []
         tclhash.c/710, [Tcl proc: mondgesichtparser, param:  $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5]
         tclhash.c/721, []
         tclhash.c/706, []
         tclhash.c/710 [Tcl proc: slot:game:start, param:  $_pub1 $_pub2 $_pub3 $_pub4 $_pub5]

SOCK ADDR     PORT  NICK      HOST              TYPE
---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3    C0A8B216  3333 (telnet)  *                 lstn  3333
4    00000000     0 (dns)                       dns   (ready)
8    7F000001  6667 (server)         serv  (lag: 0)
9    C0A8B216  9995 *    idtw  waited 3s
10   C0A8B216   113 *    idnt  (sock 9)

Compiled without extensive memory debugging (sorry).
Open sockets: 3 (listen), 4 (passed on), 9, 8, 10 (connecting) (outbuf: 00000B), 11 (file), done.
Please help!
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