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wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"

Post by medeski »

[10:03pm] <xanax-> [02:03:37] Loading netbots.tcl v4.10...
[10:03pm] <xanax-> [02:03:37] *** WARNING: error found when loading scripts/netbots/netset.tcl:
[10:03pm] <xanax-> [02:03:37] wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"

trying to add the queuing system known as "unknown script" to netbots, obviously i did something wrong in netset.tcl, heres what it looks like

Code: Select all

# netbots.tcl v4.10 (8 August 2005)
# Copyright 1998-2005 by slennox

## netbots.tcl settings file ##

## Please read netbots.txt and components.txt before using this script ##

# netbots.tcl settings
set nb_flag N
set nb_key "BnfUkk"
#set nb_group(cats) "Burmese,Persian,Siamese"
#set nb_group(dogs) "Doberman,Whippet"
set nb_defctrl "*"
set nb_owner 0
set nb_ctrlbots ""
set nb_max 3
set nb_timeout 180
set nb_netupdate 0
set nb_nettcl 0
# The two lines below serve as a small example of how nb_set can be used. Change "NoteBot" to the bot you'd like to receive update notifications from and "YourNick" to your user handle on the bot.
set nb_update ""
nb_set NoteBot nb_update "YourNick"
set nb_chon 1
set nb_broadcast "nm"
set nb_cmdcast 1
set nb_castfilter "addhost ident .chpass .newpass .note"

set nb_servers {


# aidle.tcl settings
set nb_component(aidle) 0
set ai_msgbots 0
set ai_chans ""
set ai_time 60
set ai_uidle 0
set ai_msgs {
  "la la la"

# botnetop.tcl settings
set nb_component(botnetop) 1
set bop_delay 0
set bop_maxreq 0
set bop_modeop 1
set bop_linkop 1
set bop_icheck 0
set bop_hcheck 1
set bop_osync 0
set bop_addhost 1
set bop_log 2

# chanlimit.tcl settings
set nb_component(chanlimit) 1
set cl_chans ""
set cl_echans ""
set cl_limit 10
set cl_grace 3
set cl_timer 6
set cl_server 1
set cl_log 1
set cl_priority "xanax roxy lsd"

# extras.tcl settings
set nb_component(extras) 1
set ex_cleanup 1
set ex_clearbans 1
set ex_newuser "particle"
set ex_opall 0
set ex_telnethost ""

# logfile.tcl settings
set nb_component(logfile) 0
set lg_email ""
set lg_maillog ""
set lg_maxsize 1024

# mainserver.tcl settings
set nb_component(mainserver) 0
set ms_mservers {
set ms_servers {
set ms_chktime 120
set ms_tryagn 300
set ms_autoreset 0
set ms_note "YourNick"
set ms_chans "#yourchannel"
set ms_needbot 1

# mass.tcl settings
set nb_component(mass) 1
set ma_reason "closing temporarily"

# repeat.tcl settings
set nb_component(repeat) 1
set rp_chans ""
set rp_echans ""
set rp_efficient 1
set rp_exempt "f|f"
set rp_warning 0
set rp_kflood 5:60
set rp_kreason ": further repeating will earn a 30 minute ban"
set rp_bflood 10:60
set rp_breason ": repeating: 30 minute ban"
set rp_sflood 0:0
set rp_sreason "stop repeating"
set rp_slength 40
set rp_mtime 999999
set rp_mreason ": habitual offender 2 hours"
set rp_btime 120

# sentinel.tcl settings
set nb_component(sentinel) 0
set sl_bcflood 5:20
set sl_bmflood 6:60
set sl_ccflood 5:20
set sl_txflood 8:30
set sl_boflood 6:20
set sl_jflood 6:20
set sl_nkflood 6:20
set sl_txlength 0
set sl_nclength 0
set sl_tsunami 10
set sl_linecap 80:30
set sl_locktimes {i:120 m:60}
set sl_shortlock 1
set sl_ban 1440
set sl_boban 1440
set sl_globalban 0
set sl_wideban 1
set sl_banmax 100
set sl_igtime 240
set sl_masktype 2
set sl_bfmaxbans 0
set sl_note "particle"
set sl_cfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to flood, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause"
set sl_bfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to full ban list, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause)"
set sl_lockcmds 2
set sl_lockflags "o"
set sl_bxsimul 0

# superbitch.tcl settings
set nb_component(ultrabitch) 1
set sb_chans ""
set sb_canop "m|m"
set sb_canopflags "o|o"
set sb_canopany "b|-"
set sb_remove 1
set sb_note "particle"
set sb_checkop 0

# These lines make sure your bot and netbots directories are secure by
# setting their permissions to rwx------.
catch {exec chmod 700 [pwd]}
catch {exec chmod 700 $nb_dir}

set nb_component(quickop) 1
set nb_component(nmass) 1
set nb_component(queue) 1
set nb_component(slowjoin) 1
set nb_component(revenge) 1
set rs_debug(qo) 0                # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for quickop
set rs_debug(nm) 0                # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for nmass
set rs_debug(q) 0                 # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for queue
set rs_debug(sj) 0                # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for slowjoin
set rs_debug(rv) 0                # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for revenge
Revered One
Posts: 2860
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:09 pm

Post by nml375 »

Change the following lines:

Code: Select all

set rs_debug(qo) 0 # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for quickop
set rs_debug(nm) 0 # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for nmass
set rs_debug(q) 0 # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for queue
set rs_debug(sj) 0 # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for slowjoin
set rs_debug(rv) 0 # Set this to 1 if you want debug msgs for revenge
Should be:

Code: Select all

set rs_debug(qo) 0
set rs_debug(nm) 0
set rs_debug(q) 0
set rs_debug(sj) 0
set rs_debug(rv) 0
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