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Lost Connection after enter the DCC chat pass

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Lost Connection after enter the DCC chat pass

Post by trytodealit »

Greetings and Hello,
first of all thank you for this forum and the great knowledge in here!!!

i have windrop 1.6.21. i could manage the bot entering irc and did the /msg xxx hello and the /msg xxxx pass xxxx, in both cases i did get the positive replies.

but when i do /dcc chat xxxx i asked for the pass. i enter that and get in IRC:
DCC session closed

In MSDOS Prompt:

[17:46:32] Logged in: xxxx (xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxxx
[17:46:47] net: eof!(read) socket 9
[17:46:47] Lost dcc connection to xxxx (xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxxx

when i do the cmd in 30056 i get:
[17:46:47] net: eof!(read) socket 9
[17:46:47] Lost dcc connection to xxxx (xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxxx

OS: Windows 7, firewall off
Telnet client and Telnet server is atcivated
Router: D-Link 615 >>> port 30056 is forwarded (in eggdrop.conf:listenall 30056)

does anyone know this problem? any settings in eggdrop.conf to do? or in win? or in MIRC?
Thank you for any ideas or solution :)

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